lying about what you are growing is stupid.... who cares what the name is if it is fire it will be noticed as such. a good grower has nothing to hide.
i don't lie about what I am growing so that no one else may grow it. I DONT PASS THE PLANT. Some call it hoarding... whatever it is I practice it. Coca-cola isn't out spilling their recipe, so I am not inclined to share my money maker.
i have seen club operators get an LB of Brand X Pot, take the big nugs and place them in a jar labeled "Brand X Pot", and then take the little nugs and place them in a jar labeled "Brand Y Pot". also, though not "so bad", multiple clubs have marketed my SDxSB as "OG" to their customers even though I brought it to them as SDxSB. whatever... its not me do it, and I don't care what they do with the buds after they pay me for them...