Calling your plants girls - creepy, weird, awkward or totally normal? - Poll

Calling your plants girls is

  • totally normal

  • creepy

  • weird

  • awkward

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You guys are funny.
Plants respond to sound, music as well as your tone.
I never scold my girls. I have 15 conversations with them occasionally to tell them i am proud of them & thank you! In a soft tone and i swear they love it.
Used to make my ex-GF go through the flower room with no bra or shirt if ealy enough & not big buds i then had her rub her tits on each plant.
Was just a ritual at that point. Thi kno did it more for the left-out ex-gf then for the plants tho. Lol!
I always refer to mine as the girls or the ladies when talking to friends.

“I’ll back in a little bit, I have to go feed the ladies.”
I typically call it "Watering the grass" but I do refer to them as "The Girls" "The Bitches" and "The Whores"
Lol wow some of you guys are getting heated over such a funny subject.

I think it's totally normal. I call em babies when they are small. Mothers of course are mothers and I call the others ladies, even in a seed run just because Im hopeful, lol.

I don't care if others think it's weird. But I'm not very social and could care less what others think. I don't meet very many people I even care to associate with, so if they think I'm strange maybe they will stay away. Lol
totally normal..see Anthropomorphism is the attribution of human traits, emotions, or intentions to non-human entities
Like Bugs Bunny like calling Dogs even Horses ';She'
I cant believe i joined this silly discussion. No offense guys. But now that I'm here, after reading the above word & its meaning (Anthropomorphism ) I'm on board with that. Because after raising them for 2-4 months ,to flower & reap your rewards. They have. Become a very personal part of my life.
When you got more pics of your plants then your kids, that when u know there's a problem.
Its because we raise them with care like a child. Like our own child. At least mine mean that much to me almost. Not as much as my kids but they are technically my kids too.
If one died id be temporarily heart hurt. That should count for something along the lines of personalizing.