I've been growing in Pro-mix for over 20 and I tend to disagree with the company's statements above.
1. It is not necessary to use purified water, but everyone's water is different and some should not be used (like mine). If the ppm of your water is over 250-300 to begin with, do not use it!
2. I don't leach, I NEVER have. Use a good quality fertilizer, don't over apply it and watch your plants carefully to adjust the ppm when necessary, and you'll be absolutely fine. A good flush at the end- at least 10-12 days is helpful.
3. And regarding the pH, ALWAYS 6.3-6.5 going in, and you'll always be in a good range.
What they forgot to say is, always add more lime and perlite. The lime dose they put in doesn't last long enough for an entire crop, and the perlite addition will help with the compaction that often happens around the roots.