Camo car cover. Ideas?


Well-Known Member
I have been SCOURING the internet for something, anything that will camo my vehicle from the air. it has to camo into the growund and surrounding area, be non reflective and cover a small -mid sized SUV.

I;ve been looking for one exactly like BrownDirtWarrior uses in his videos... (Prohabition episode 1, google it..).. i dont even know what to call it.. it is like a net, with leaves and filling tied into the net, he can pull it over the vehicle and it totaly camo's the truck... but i have also looked at duck blinds and other things that might work, nothing is large enough to fit over the whole SUV...

Buy realy, anything that will do the job will work. it just has to conceal my vehicle and not draw attention from the ground.
:O damn man, i didnt even think of ghilli suit netting.... now that you said it its like WOW, im slow for not realizing....

That Czeck camo net will work amazingly for the area im in... Thank you sir, VERY muchley appreciated.