If the medium is getting too wet you will get stem rot on seedlings. That is over-watering regardless of oxygenation. More mature plants would not be an issue.
only if there is not enough oxygen in the water...the only reason over watering the plant is bad is because it drowns the roots of vital oxygen. so if there is ample amount of oxygen disolved in the water then there is no way to over water in DWC.
only if there is not enough oxygen in the water...the only reason over watering the plant is bad is because it drowns the roots of vital oxygen. so if there is ample amount of oxygen disolved in the water then there is no way to over water in DWC.
This would be true if the seedling is directly in a medium like hydroton, dyna-rock or neoprene. If the medium is something like shitwool (rockwool to some) or rooter plugs, then what Illegal Smile said is true and will happen MOST of the time regardless if the DO is 100% ( which aint never gonna happen).
But to answer your question : No. A DWC plant can not over-water itself. But my main question is :
How does a plant WATER itself in the 1st place, let alone OVER-WATER itself ?!?!? That though WE did that !? LMAO j/k I HAD to go there......