Can A Guy Really Suck His Own....? Pic


Well-Known Member
[adult swim] : Adult Swim Video

Dude, you guys HAVE to check that out. I love Metalocalypse, and I was on adult swim's website and found this video. The link SHOULD take you right to it, if it doesn't, it's called You Guys Watch That Video?

Not only does it fit in with this thread, but it's funny as fuck! I dunno if it's just cuz I'm really high, but I laughed my ass off both times I watched it.

I love Nathan Explosion "I thought that was CGI or something. It's real guys. That shit is f*ckin REAL." Everything he said cracked me up.

Someone tell me if this is really as funny as I think, or if I'm just too faded :grin:


Well-Known Member
This place has the freakiest vids that ever i saw anyway,from people eating their own shit to licking/sucking themselves off.
Be warned though,i truly mean that this site is the sickest i have ever seen and has truly disgusting and disturbing videos and some porn on it so don't even click on the link if you are easily upset.
Also of a note of warning is that there are many videos of dead and dying people in all manner of ways.
You have been warned:-| - You never want to turn it off anymore!


Well-Known Member
No, ewww, ick! I want someone to watch the Metalocalypse video and tell me if it's as funny as I thought. Fuck it, I'll watch it again now that I'm sober.


Well-Known Member
I fucking LOVE Metalocalypse! I was watching more clips, and there's one from later in that episode where the guys all want to hire a Buddhist yoga instructor dude, so they can get more flexible.


Well-Known Member
how do people find that funny its fucking gay as fuck go to a topic that is important instead of wasting ur time here


Well-Known Member
Well I had to see what the hell you were talking about and i did some reading before I did some investigating and i decided to not to look so now I'm out. lol