Can A Guy Really Suck His Own....? Pic


Well-Known Member
Wait, you're saying I might enjoy sex with someone I dislike? Like, someone I can't stand to be around? How does THAT work?
if it happens - you'll know what i'm talking about. some people you just can't fucking stand but as long as you're fucking (and not standing) it is awesome.

and without going too far in a different direction - how can i put this... some girls like to be treated less than lady like - and some of the things they may enjoy are far easier (and more fun) for nice guys like me to do if i don't really like the person i'm doing it with - and it seems more fun for them also.

but it has to be a compatible understood thing - it can't be lopsided (i don't like her but she likes me or vice versa). i am no ladies man or playa (or whatever the kids are calling a dog these days).

make sense?


Well-Known Member
i just closed 3 threads. 2 "how big is your dick?" and 1 "what is your dicks name?". i'm sorry to say the boundaries have been tested again. why can't we just have 1 thread and leave it at that? why does someone always have to try to push it? now i have to be the bad guy. :(

i just don't get it. my 13 year old doesn't even find this shit funny anymore. it's soooooo childish. now i feel guilty for partaking.


Well-Known Member
if it happens - you'll know what i'm talking about. some people you just can't fucking stand but as long as you're fucking (and not standing) it is awesome.

and without going too far in a different direction - how can i put this... some girls like to be treated less than lady like - and some of the things they may enjoy are far easier (and more fun) for nice guys like me to do if i don't really like the person i'm doing it with - and it seems more fun for them also.

but it has to be a compatible understood thing - it can't be lopsided (i don't like her but she likes me or vice versa). i am no ladies man or playa (or whatever the kids are calling a dog these days).

make sense?

Rough sex? Is that what you're getting at? I like it rough sometimes. Are you saying it'd be better with a guy who didn't like me cuz he'd be more down to hurt me? hmmm....never thought of it like that....


Well-Known Member
i just closed 3 threads. 2 "how big is your dick?" and 1 "what is your dicks name?". i'm sorry to say the boundaries have been tested again. why can't we just have 1 thread and leave it at that? why does someone always have to try to push it? now i have to be the bad guy. :(

i just don't get it. my 13 year old doesn't even find this shit funny anymore. it's soooooo childish. now i feel guilty for partaking.
Awww, now I feel bad :sad:


Well-Known Member
Awww, now I feel bad :sad:
i do too. it "sucks"(pun intended). this thread was borderline but it was funny and done very "tastefully", i thought. everyone laughed and kept it pretty clean. apparently others took it as a "gateway" thread. :evil:

not your fault wikid. it's the mentality of others that gets me. :blsmoke::peace:


Well-Known Member
So we're getting too sexual on a thread called "Can a guy really suck his own...."?

in the something & SEXUALITY & something forum? we are all adults here - whether we act like it or not is certainly debatable.

But so we don't step out of line again - where are the forum rules regarding sex talk?


Well-Known Member
hey...your the trouble maker...I think you should go stand in the corner...
lol, funny, cuz originally I was going to post "it's all my fault" but I decided to go with the old fall back -- blame someone else!

But please don't bring up standing in a corner, gonna cause me to have Nam-like flashbacks to when I was a kid. When our mom was home, and our step dad couldn't just beat our asses, he used to make us stand in the corner.

Not just stand in the corner, but stand with your arms held straight out, so you form like a T. Always for at LEAST an hour. Try it. It's not fun. If he really wanted to fuck with you he'd make you HOLD shit. And your arms couldn't drop, or you got your ass kicked too.

i do too. it "sucks"(pun intended). this thread was borderline but it was funny and done very "tastefully", i thought. everyone laughed and kept it pretty clean. apparently others took it as a "gateway" thread. :evil:

not your fault wikid. it's the mentality of others that gets me. :blsmoke::peace:
*tackles you and smothers you with love*

lol, thanks fdd, that makes me feel better.


Well-Known Member
So we're getting too sexual on a thread called "Can a guy really suck his own...."?

in the something & SEXUALITY & something forum? we are all adults here - whether we act like it or not is certainly debatable.

But so we don't step out of line again - where are the forum rules regarding sex talk?
you tell me what the "rules" should be. as a grow site, what is the imagine you want to project to the World? as a mod i have a vague idea of the direction i would like to see this site take. it's up to everyone though. not just me. i did leave this thread open so i don't quite understand the question? i never said this thread was "too sexual".


New Member
maybe...maybe not...ya just never know till you try....and ditto on the chocolate doughnuts...40 hates it when we get off subject....


Well-Known Member
you tell me what the "rules" should be. as a grow site, what is the imagine you want to project to the World? as a mod i have a vague idea of the direction i would like to see this site take. it's up to everyone though. not just me. i did leave this thread open so i don't quite understand the question? i never said this thread was "too sexual".
I'm not making any rules - but if I am breaking any i'd like to know about it.
In the grow forum - i talk about growing. In the spirituality, sexuality and philosophy i talk about those things. I can't speak for the site's direction but if you want to clean up times square - you gotta close the sex shops.

no you never said the thread was too sexual but since no one was arguing or insulting i was guessing. I apologize that you did not mean that. Though i'm not sure what else it would be.

see here again - i have no idea if it was something i said or someone else said - no clue as to why you got upset over the thread. Which is why i asked for the rules or speech codes regarding sexual talk/innuendo. I'm not looking to alienate any of my fellow growers.

for all i know somebody complained or some PM was sent that is causing the stir - i don't know. But i don't see anybody getting out of sorts on this thread about anything or anyone.

so what i'm asking is - how do we know when we've taken things too far without a mod stepping in telling us - how do we know where the line is?