Can a person smoke pot and stay away from Meth?


Well-Known Member
My basic rule for doing drugs: If it comes naturally from the earth, makes you trip, and is very difficult or impossible to OD on then it is not a bad drug. Given those rules I probably shouldn't drink booze but I do. Otherwise it is just the natural drugs for me. I would like to drop acid once though just to see what it is like.

My first drug was a cigarette, then weed, then booze.

Meth is baaad, mmmmmmkayyyy?
Believe it or not, alcohol is indeed a natural drug. I've seen birds, elk, deer, horses and cattle (actually too many animals to list) eating sweet fruits that have fallen from the tree and begun fermentation. It is theorized that early modern humans got their first drink on by these fallen fruits. I've also read of birds and other animals that keep coming back for more, and one story of a bunch of birds that snapped their necks after consuming large quantities of fermented plums that then flew into windows. Kind of funny, yet kind of sad, then I laughed my ass off. Stupid bird! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Why on earth would you touch meth? Anything that makes you sweat yellow is sooooo not good for you.Stick with the green stuff good for you all the way around.:peace:


Well-Known Member
I didn't read all 5 pages so I'm just going to start here...

Marijuana is not a gateway drug. Most people who are doing harder stuff, like coke, meth, and heroin, started out on the harder stuff then tried marijuana. There are the few who started on pot and moved on to bigger and harder stuff but they were already going to anyways. Pot does not make you do harder drugs. It's all personal choice.

Blaming pot for being addicted to harder stuff and calling it a gateway drug is like a fat person blaming eating utensils for them getting them fat... It's insane. Pot is not a gateway drug. The human mind is the gateway.


Well-Known Member
weed is a geteway drugs......just like beer...and cigaretters...hell why not caffiene...any mind altering substance is a gateway drug...i've heard the arguement before..stupid people are going to do stupid shit....its that easy.


Well-Known Member
Acid, I agree with you. 13, for some people yes, it's a matter of self control. But for others it's a matter of brain chemistry and is a very difficult thing to will-power yourself into or out of. While I'm not an addictive personality, I do grasp that others have problems, and I try to understand.


Well-Known Member
Heres my take on it. Pot could be a gateway drug, however its a result of the prohibition. If pot had been legal I would not have had to deal with the black market. The same market that also is involved with many other things I was now being exposed to as a result of being forced to involve my self with this underbelly of the world to obtain what is natural and good. Had I been able to go to my local store or even grow it myself I would have no reason to deal with the black market. I would always see other drugs when looking for weed. I would go "hey can you get any weed?" " No but I have an eightball." etc.. So as you can see its not the weed its the probation. FREE THE WEED!!PLANT THE SEED!!


Well-Known Member
yo green is just a herb to spice the life .... only good for me man

Koabear : Beautiful....

Other Dude:
Yes I did know that alcohol was organic, but i dont think it expands consciousness, I think it mutes it.(which has its benefits and is why I do it) You can also O.D. on it relatively easily compared to greens, shrooms, salvia, and even acid. That is why I say I shouldnt do it. But I do:twisted:


Well-Known Member
If it has to go in my nose or in my veins I'm cool off that. Meth and crack are not a safe alternative. :D Seen a lot of friends be killed and/or had their lives ruined by those drugs.


Well-Known Member
I don't smoke cigarettes, personally i find them gross. I don't think that weed is a gateway drug at all i think it's physiological.


Well-Known Member
Do you mean "psychological"? Physiological makes it seem like that it IS a gateway drug.

People like to blame weed for things, as it makes it easier to make it illegal. There wouldn't be aannnny heroin addicts if there weren't marijuana. Nope.

I don't smoke cigarettes, personally i find them gross. I don't think that weed is a gateway drug at all i think it's physiological.


Well-Known Member
yep! sorry, exactly what im trying to say. 99% of the people who say it's a gateway drug have probably never smoked weed, who are they to say it is. it's things like this that is a you don't know till you try kinda thing. yes there is testing and statistics but there could have been more factors, maybe they were raised by meth smokers or introduced to it as a good thing, you never know.


Well-Known Member
Believe it or not, alcohol is indeed a natural drug. I've seen birds, elk, deer, horses and cattle (actually too many animals to list) eating sweet fruits that have fallen from the tree and begun fermentation. It is theorized that early modern humans got their first drink on by these fallen fruits. I've also read of birds and other animals that keep coming back for more, and one story of a bunch of birds that snapped their necks after consuming large quantities of fermented plums that then flew into windows. Kind of funny, yet kind of sad, then I laughed my ass off. Stupid bird! :lol:
We have a tree over here that thrives in the tropics. It's commonly called a parrot's African in origin. But anyway, the Rainbow Lorikeets just love this tree. It gets covered in masses of long sprays of red, nectar filled flowers. As they mature, the nectar starts to ferment*in the flower* before it drops to the ground. Well, the lorikeets have a field day, and get rotten in the process. They fall out of the tree, fly into walls, have drunken arguments with their mates. Just about everything us humans do when we're on the piss. Pretty funny site seeing a drunk lorikeet fly into the lounge room window.:mrgreen:

We have another non-native tree that is also attractive to Parrots and Lorikeets. It's the African Tulip.

But we're not here to talk about birds and stuff are we...sorry:roll:



Well-Known Member
Maybe the other drug that could possibly be a gateway effect would be the yola bola. Its still kind of seen in some cultures as a upper class thing. When people think of yola, you think of escobar running shit in on speedboats or obviously scarface. I was around a large ganj exchange and there was some apparently good stuff. He gave me a quick run down on the signs of quality to look for, etc. It never hurts to be well informed, thanks erowids! I tried a line and I personally didn't like it. It tasted kinda bitter and it made my throat feel weird. The worst thing is that it made my heart race, I don't like that feeling. I also have a heart condition too so I don't wanna push that. Nowadays though if my friends are doing it around me, I just usually ask to clean the res off the mirror and gum it with my pinky. Very low dose, gets a little kick and its more stylish.


Well-Known Member
i dont smoke cigs, i have never done any other drug besides weed...i have never even seen coke, meth, speed, or shrooms in person

i used to drink before i smoked but i like smoking better than drinking.. but drinking can be more social


Well-Known Member
i dont smoke cigs, i have never done any other drug besides weed...i have never even seen coke, meth, speed, or shrooms in person

i used to drink before i smoked but i like smoking better than drinking.. but drinking can be more social
This argument rages on, with the anti-pot brigade forever screaming that weed is *the* gateway drug, not *A* gateway drug.
Alcohol and tobacco can also be considered 'gateway' drugs, as can cannabis, coffee and a whole plethora of legal prescription drugs. There is a lot of study based evidence that alcohol is a far more common gateway drug than others. However, because it is a legal poison, it doesn't get the publicity that weed does. Nor do all the prescription drugs fed to people by GPs.

Sociological factors (lifestyle, upbringing and even your hometown) are recognized as being the main causative factors in why people end up abusing whatever drug they choose to ingest. Your 'Cultural Capital' is more likely the 'gateway' to drug use and/or abuse.

End of silly science/sociology lesson.


Well-Known Member
Silly!? I think not! Education in this area is essential for us to beat down the anti-pot wackos. You'll find that many of those people are not educated on the subject (at least, not well) and crumble under a good dose of hard facts and proper semantics.

Knowladge is power!

This argument rages on, with the anti-pot brigade forever screaming that weed is *the* gateway drug, not *A* gateway drug.
Alcohol and tobacco can also be considered 'gateway' drugs, as can cannabis, coffee and a whole plethora of legal prescription drugs. There is a lot of study based evidence that alcohol is a far more common gateway drug than others. However, because it is a legal poison, it doesn't get the publicity that weed does. Nor do all the prescription drugs fed to people by GPs.

Sociological factors (lifestyle, upbringing and even your hometown) are recognized as being the main causative factors in why people end up abusing whatever drug they choose to ingest. Your 'Cultural Capital' is more likely the 'gateway' to drug use and/or abuse.

End of silly science/sociology lesson.