can an led light match a 1000 wat hps


Well-Known Member
Hate to tell you but unless you live in an area that has high electric costs you won't get your return on investment for several years. At 9 cents per kwh it would take me over 10 years to see a return. And LEDs don't make better buds, if anything they are slightly less potent due to the lack of UV light.
A lot of this isn't true.

That depends how much you pay for the cob/led set-up. A lot of people build for very cheap or buy fairly priced part/pre built systems, others will pay well over the worth for ''branded'' shit. You could make the argument that high end DE hps + top hoods/bulbs are not worth the investment. The same you could about cmh, it's a good tech but the more fancy expensive versions are not worth the price tag for the gain.

With cob/led some off sets are there. The savings on bulbs add up, the saving on extraction adds up, particularly if you lived in a warmer environment. Extraction/ac used under less load will also last longer. Bulbs degrade more sharply over time, led/cob don't so yields will hold more consistent. Some people can use less W to get the same weight so that saving adds up. I'm not saying it will 100% make led/cob cheaper in the long run but it will certainly offset the initial investment. Getting the led/cobs for the right price will not take 10 years to level out.. you've used the worse possible case to make a point but it's objectively wrong and misleading.

You say leds don't make better buds and point toward uv. I've read up a bit on that and none of the techs have any substantial amounts of uv. That's why people add some uv specific bulbs, even with hps. But even then, a lot of debate was had on it's actual effect. It was making tops of buds mature much faster than lower buds so then people were having to harvest in two stages, that takes more time and then less annual crops. Will the potency increase? maybe, is it worth less crops>yield? that's extremely subjective depending on the figures.

A lot of people grow with no little to no UV, allot of people are still smoking and getting high AF. Not saying ignore the venture of increasing potency.. but that the context you use it in is again objectively wrong and misleading. As far as I've read anyway.


Well-Known Member
Because of the recent led debate some members on this thread are actually giving way better info opinion and advice, maybe you'll eventualky join in :-)
What you really mean by this is you were completely wrong about led/cob. If you are going to back peddle understand that spineless slithering is better adapted to forward momentum.

I still see some bs heat broknowledge but eventually we might have an adult debate on leds thus forming some kind of conclusion which thanks to you and other led trolls is sorely lacking.
More back peddle, you've stalked my post history (do you sniff peoples seats when they get up?) so find the bad led/cob advice given, or lack of debate. If you do figure out a way to back peddle effectively let me know when you're there as you owe me some answers to the counter arguments I gave you on your ''plants don't need wind'' theory. Till then I'll be trying to figure out what is more ironic, that you talk about debate yet run away when you get it.. or that you say wind isn't needed while your hps grow suffers ambient heat stress.

At the very least can you just level with me for a second and answer honestly, are you a seat sniffer?.


Well-Known Member
Heat became a big problem in my room 14 yrs ago.
Had to enlarge & crank up the extraction air flow which made a fair bit of noise.

Changed to something that does the same job = fills my tin.
Lower electricity bill & not having to replace bulbs every 6 months was great.
No way will I change back to the old tech.

Next purchase will probably have simulated sunrise & sunset, adjustable spectrum etc.
Tech advances are awesome. Those who miss a crank handle on their car may not agree


Well-Known Member
What you really mean by this is you were completely wrong about led/cob. If you are going to back peddle understand that spineless slithering is better adapted to forward momentum.

More back peddle, you've stalked my post history (do you sniff peoples seats when they get up?) so find the bad led/cob advice given, or lack of debate. If you do figure out a way to back peddle effectively let me know when you're there as you owe me some answers to the counter arguments I gave you on your ''plants don't need wind'' theory. Till then I'll be trying to figure out what is more ironic, that you talk about debate yet run away when you get it.. or that you say wind isn't needed while your hps grow suffers ambient heat stress.

At the very least can you just level with me for a second and answer honestly, are you a seat sniffer?.
No sorry that response was not about you but those who have approched leds more fairly, realistically and less aggressive than you.

Trying to twist words dosent work, i write clear enough :-)


Well-Known Member
Heat became a big problem in my room 14 yrs ago.
Had to enlarge & crank up the extraction air flow which made a fair bit of noise.

Changed to something that does the same job = fills my tin.
Lower electricity bill & not having to replace bulbs every 6 months was great.
No way will I change back to the old tech.

Next purchase will probably have simulated sunrise & sunset, adjustable spectrum etc.
Tech advances are awesome. Those who miss a crank handle on their car may not agree
Not to accuse anyone but many come in here with an incomplete conception of heat.

Far too many thermometers in direct light up in canopies, not the way :-)


Well-Known Member
No sorry that response was not about you but those who have approched leds more fairly, realistically and less aggressive than you.

Trying to twist words dosent work, i write clear enough :-)
Do you sniff seats or not?.

It is you who has approached led unfairly and aggressively while people like me have been putting across unbiased advice from experience. Any aggression from me (very little) was directed toward you personally due to your flawed bias views, nothing to do with the tech.. and I even apologised for getting personal. But on you went, bashing led, making everything about how right you were.. talking wind theory bs, misleading people once again with your tyrannical obsession to prove yourself a grow god.

And stalking peoples entire posting history to try and find ammunition?. Could you not find counter arguments from recent?.. that's where all my gripes with you are sourced from. It's very telling. You continuously refuse to answer counter arguments so that makes you the problem around here. Post led hate then ignore counter arguments? very helpful.

Grow a back bone. Prick.

But please for god sake, stop bringing ppfd and wind theory into it all the time, because 99% of the time it isn't even relevant to the things people are talking about. It's as if you've made up an enemy led poster in your head who says all the wrong things so you can say it right. Probably explains why you avoid answering actual counter arguments to most of the dribble you post.
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