Can any experienced grower identify which deficiency this is?

i'm still not even sure what it is, all i've counseled so far is not spraying too much stuff on your plant.
it could be mite damage
it could be heat damage
it could be mag deficiency
it could be ph being off....
its hard to tell anything from the pics posted so far
All respect to OldMedUser but we disagree on a # of things here. :-) :peace: That's cuz the pix are shitty and its hard to say. Can you use a flash?

Honestly tho neem is rather benign, as are the epsom salts, when used in proper dilutions. So you're not likely to have issues with either, or both. Still not a bad idea to mist em good between applications to keep any unexpected interaction less likely. Once they dry I'd foliar with epsom at 1t / liter. But like OldMedUser says you could just water with them instead and avoid additional stuff on the leaves. I like to foliar epsom because its so fast-responding, also I don't add the additional salts to my soil.

Mostly your plants are healthy right? What % is affected?

I say its not bugs because it appears you've interveinal chlorosis, and ridged leaves, esp apparent in your third pic. I've just been dealing with this, and epsom salt foliar fixed my problem pronto. :joint:
All respect to OldMedUser but we disagree on a # of things here. :-) :peace: That's cuz the pix are shitty and its hard to say. Can you use a flash?

Honestly tho neem is rather benign, as are the epsom salts, when used in proper dilutions. So you're not likely to have issues with either, or both. Still not a bad idea to mist em good between applications to keep any unexpected interaction less likely. Once they dry I'd foliar with epsom at 1t / liter. But like OldMedUser says you could just water with them instead and avoid additional stuff on the leaves. I like to foliar epsom because its so fast-responding, also I don't add the additional salts to my soil.

Mostly your plants are healthy right? What % is affected?

I say its not bugs because it appears you've interveinal chlorosis, and ridged leaves, esp apparent in your third pic. I've just been dealing with this, and epsom salt foliar fixed my problem pronto. :joint:

The rest of the plants are really healthy looking. Some of the healthiest I've grown tbh. It's just this one particular plant that's affected and even then it's less than 5% of its leaves that are affected. I'm just trying to catch it early before it gets any worse. This particular plant is also the closest plant to the intake fan... if that's of any relevance.
I'd just add it to the water but one good spray with a tsp/L shouldn't hurt and will dose them fast. Get under the leaves tho as they soak it up better thru the bottom. Very fine spray for best results.

Don't expect the damage to repair itself but it won't matter in the long run.

This particular plant is also the closest plant to the intake fan... if that's of any relevance.

New and missing info. :D

Try switching another plant into that spot and see if it shows the same thing in a few days. Wind burn could do that. I never use a fan on the intake so my exhaust fan keeps a negative pressure in the grow room so odors don't escape.
