can any one help


Active Member
hey fellow stoners, i have recently re potted my plants but they are not looking happy (started drooping and leaves are curling up), any advce PLEASE ?????


Well-Known Member
Without a pic it's hard to say, but I would guess transplant shock. One of the best products on the market to prevent and reverse transplant sock is Superthrive. One drop per gallon to prevent shock, 1/4tsp per gallon to reverse shock. It's dirt cheap, $7 for a large bottle. You can find it at many nurseries or walmart and one bottle will last most people at LEAST a year if not longer. Don't use too much though, it's powerful stuff but its track record is long and reliable. I live by it when I grow in soil. Use it even when you think a transplant went well, it also helps roots become established in their new soil.

Oh and don't be fooled by the snake-oil like packaging, it's anything but...



Well-Known Member
how long ago did you re potted them? and did you keep the root structure intact?
but thay can look a bit sad when you have re potted them for a day or to. just give them a good watering. and get sum pics. good luck!!


Well-Known Member
Yeh seriously dont use more then a drop per gallon, or 1/4 teaspoon. I have read up about the stuff and if you overdo it, it greatly highers your chances of your plants turning into hermies. I also use the stuff for transplanting, and its amazing, and with only 1 drop. Trust us, that tiny drop is enough, dont think you need to add another : )

Goodluck mate, your plants should be lookin better in a week or so.

Grow on growers : )