can anybody give me a remedy for this?


Well-Known Member
my plants lower leaf started to change colour will it be ok what do i need to do? is it time for nutes? ny info much helpful:lol:


Well-Known Member
It may be a little over fed. Are you using miracle-grow?
It's not time for nutes. If miracle-grow is what you're using, water only when top inch is dry as beach sand.


Well-Known Member
it's fine. you have a nice little indica bush there and the damn thing has such fat leaves that the 1st and second set of true leaves is not getting enough light. generally the 1st and second set of true leaves have fewer leaves(1,3,or 5 instead of 7 or 9) and die earlier.

think of leaves as a power plant. the first set of seedling leaves is a crude power plant that powers the development of the 1 set of true leaves. the 1st set of true leaves powers the 2nd true set and the 2nd true set powers the 3rd and the 3rd indicates the end of the seedling stage and the beginning of the vegetative stage. its not uncommon to see the 1st and 2nd set of true leaves die shortly thereafter.

when you get toward the end of the flowering stage a lot of the fan leaves, starting at the bottom, will start to turn yellow and die. this is normal, it signifies that the end is near and in 2-3 weeks you will harvest.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the info football first you couldnt of explained it any better thanks on sugestions on lights for 1 plant? also im looking to use foxfarm grow big then big bloom do u things she is ready for nutes or should i hold off for a while i was thinking of starting at a quater strenght


Well-Known Member
i grow in Miraclegro soil because i want to keep it simple but i have used dissolvable nutrients in the past. looking at your plant, having at least 4 sets of true leaves, it has been like 3-4 weeks. that means you're in the veg state and you could hit them with full strength nutrients and they should start growing like a weed(pun intended).