can anybody identify this problem?


Well-Known Member
lol I have had that cant say how many plants at one . for reasons nobody needs to know any ways . just 1 plant out if ??? lol had the issue and it was in the same soil same nutrients same every thing . it cleared up after a few weeks . so is this your only plant with this issue ? hopefully
yeah i thought yellow is usually nitrogen... but all the N deficiencies i saw online didnt look like that... yes only 1 out of the group.. there are no changes in variables other than strain. The others are different genetics


Well-Known Member
Does it stay the pale green or turn orange/brown, maybe it's just bad cell growth, the leaves themselves don't seem to be wilting or doing any curling of any kind. I wouldn't worry too much


Well-Known Member
Does it stay the pale green or turn orange/brown, maybe it's just bad cell growth, the leaves themselves don't seem to be wilting or doing any curling of any kind. I wouldn't worry too much
I agree with this. Your plant looks pretty healthy other then those couple leaves. Just keep an eye on it, it doesn't look like a traditional nitrogen def. to me, I don't think that is your problem.

It could be an issue somewhere in the roots. Do you have a scope? If yes then look for signs of pests, you never know.


Well-Known Member
Have you used any foliar feeding or pest conrol? It almost looks like maybe the stomata might be blocked or having trouble transpiring. What are you temps and humidity?
no i havent foliar fed, or sprayed for pest. I plan on transplanting in the next few days into a bigger pot, so i will look to see if i can see anything when it comes out the pot...
Wow i just realized that my original text never showed up before i posted the pics =/ there was a pretty good amount of information.. FFOF, FF nutes once a week PH 6.3-6.8 .. T5 @ 18-6. temps stay 70 with lights on, high 60's with lights off
Honestly looks like a slight burn, but it doesn't look bad at all man, keep up the good work, your gonna get a couple yellow leaves here and there, as long as it doesn't spread to the whole plant
My original post was supposed to say that this is a very nice CBD strain. and the only seed that i had of it. about 6 weeks from germination. hoping to correct any problems there may be... i didnt feed with nutrients for the first 3 weeks... also for the first 3 weeks i DID ph'd the water, but didnt add any calmag...
RO water is 28ppm when i checked it 2 days ago. not sure what adding the calmag does to it. i will check tomorrow. i can turn the fan down just a bit to raise temps


Well-Known Member
Ed Rosenthal has this pictured in one of his books, that I no longer have. I think you all nailed it with the Cal Mag advice/solution.

Nice baby, by the way, I love when they're all fat and happy like that.