can anyone answer this for me


Active Member
I have 2 plants, dont know the strain or anything its bag seeds, between 1 an 3 weeks im guessing idk really, one has 5 sets of leaves excluding the round ones, the other has six, they are about 2in tall, im using mg organic and bottled water, i have no ph tester , i currently have them under two 20watt cfls I'm about to add a t8 set up, two 24in bulbs with a pretty nice reflector, they are in a cabinet i built, its 1ft deep, 3ft wide, 4ft tall,,,, ok so this is my first grow i don't have any clue if I'm doing it right,,,, I've been reading and reading and figured now its time to ask questions,,,, can anyone give some advice or anything,,, anything will help basically I'm asking if I'm on the right track,
Also, it has good ventilation, intake at the bottom, exhaust at the top, the temp is between 69-72,,, idk about the humidity and the only carbon they are getting is when i check on them about every few hours and i blow on them lol i know stupid but i love my ladies this has turned me from trying an experiment to a real enthusiast... i read alit of things on here and love how everyone responds,,, i found my new home
Normal air has almost 1500ppm of CO2 all the there is no need to supplement anything as far as I am concerned. The best thing you can do is not overwater and don't overfeed. Those are the worst things for plants...if anything try to underfeed and underwater. Giving too little will make the plant's growth not optimal, but giving too much will kill a plant. So better to err on the side of caution.
Till it feel really light. The dirt should start to pull away from the side of the pot.
It will start to wilt from thirst when it's real thirsty. Don't feel like it will die if you don't water every day.
Your definitely going to want to get more lights on them. Adding more lights will make a huge difference in the turn out.

When my set up is finished, I want to have 200 watts per plant.
Thanks for the info,,, another question is , are the time release nutrients gonna effect the plants much,,, it says it has enough to feed the plant 2 months
Thanks for the info,,, another question is , are the time release nutrients gonna effect the plants much,,, it says it has enough to feed the plant 2 mont hs
I would but I'm on a very tight budget and no extra to spare basically this is all i have and i don't even have the bulbs yet just the set up, i know it won't be optimal but will this work atleast for my first grow,,, the next one i plan on gettin a 600w set up and good seeds the whole nine yards, i guess you can call this one my practice run lol any help will work