Active Member
I have 2 plants, dont know the strain or anything its bag seeds, between 1 an 3 weeks im guessing idk really, one has 5 sets of leaves excluding the round ones, the other has six, they are about 2in tall, im using mg organic and bottled water, i have no ph tester , i currently have them under two 20watt cfls I'm about to add a t8 set up, two 24in bulbs with a pretty nice reflector, they are in a cabinet i built, its 1ft deep, 3ft wide, 4ft tall,,,, ok so this is my first grow i don't have any clue if I'm doing it right,,,, I've been reading and reading and figured now its time to ask questions,,,, can anyone give some advice or anything,,, anything will help basically I'm asking if I'm on the right track,