I’ve gave them the milk treatment and a fungicide treatment my mildew isn’t prolific it’s like you say spots on leaves tends to be smaller leafs for me I’ve chopped a good bit of plant away that was kinda fucked because I have 2 other plants just as big and there all touching but they don’t show any sign. As of yet I’ve treated them obviously whe. I noticed this bit anyone or anything that fuks with my weed is certainly my enemy lolI've read that a 40% milk to 60% distilled water mix sprayed on the leaves works very well against PM and you can use it to harvest. I had a couple leaves with small spots so I just trimmed them off. No sign of it anymore
Lesson learned defoliate heavily in my opinionIt’s in the ground mate and I am not really into defoliation as I did that on my other plants any they ended up with nitrogen def and no fan leafs so I’m gonna leave as much as I can on the plant for it to naturally cannibalise or what ever lol but cheers for the reply
Cheers mate that was last years it’s all bein smoked now and eaten this this year no major issues as of yet only late flowering as usual in Hollandsimilar to it, usually they are on the leaves not stems. But i see you might have spider mites too. look at this guide, it has great photos to compare
Cheers mate I enjoy the whole plant training stuff I have a small back years with windows of naibours on all sides looking but I’ve had no issues now for a couple of years the worst part is they don’t even pre flower until late august and flower basically in the autum it’s not ideal for the dreaded mildew and bud rotNice looking grow, friend. Good job with the available space.
I've been fighting PM all flowering season. I've been using potassium bicarbonate to mitigate but will end up giving them a bath once I cut them. Probably a week away from being bale to harvest.
Anyone else using potassium bicarbonate?
I've been using PB this year. No issues so far. This time last year I already had to cut some buds off, but I think most of that rot was from worm damage.
What area are you in?
No mate my flowers are even too small for PM this year lolView attachment 5207542View attachment 5207543