can anyone correct me if im wrong?


Active Member
ok im runnin 4 x 600w lights which r doin the job well but ive had an idea which is buggin me! ok now im runnin 4 x 600 ok but obv my babies r only gettin 600w of light but im usin the power qauntity of 2400w now if i was to switch to runnin 2x 1000w lights id only b runnin 2000w of elec power which should b cheaper plus givin my plants an extra 400w of light is this correct??:confused:


Active Member
a bulb will only emmit the power its made for ie you could have a hundred 600w lights in a room but there all only emittin 600w of light but your payin to run a hundred 600w lamps!


Well-Known Member
I'm no expert on this but I would think that either way you are still losing lumens because the light doesn't necessarily all go in one direction (going toward your plants) but goes in all directions and difusses as it moves away from the source. So actually I think the 4 bulbs give your plants more lumens because you have four sources of light sending their sources out in all directions but four of those directions are directly going toward the plants. Running two 1000 watt bulbs still sends a ton of light out in all directions but only two directions of light are direct on the plants. That's the way I would figure it. Keep in mind the reason that CFL's use less watts but are just as bright as the old fashioned bulbs because they have more surface area that is showing light and giving lumens in all directions.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
2 1000s on light movers is better than 4 stationary 600s. I'm a big fan of ballast splitters--use half the ballasts 24 hours a day--switching between two rooms.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
ballast splitter??
some people call them flip flops. You have say two ballast--with those two ballast you can run four lights for flowering 12/12. The ballast run all the time so its easy on wear and tear of the ballast and your electricity use stays constant. You have to have two flowering rooms. When one 12 hour period is over the ballasts switch over to the other room for 12 hours.