Can anyone diagnose this?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys this is the only plant in my garden showing these symptoms. Can you help me figure out what it is? 20151102_123042.jpg20151102_123050.jpg
Hello, Are you Referring to the dust like spots , or the leaves folding under ? I'll look and see if I can see anything like that. Phosphorus Deficiency, can Cause stunted Growth and smaller Leaves, They will Turn Bluish-green and some small spotting or Blotches often show, and the leaf tips will turn dark and turn downward,
N-tox and possibly something els. Is it me or that shit looks blue with white dust on it lol. Do the branches feel soft like rubber?
No. It has trichs is that the dust you guys are speaking of? So if it's over watered and not tox I can't flush. Wait it out?
No. It has trichs is that the dust you guys are speaking of? So if it's over watered and not tox I can't flush. Wait it out?
I think it might just be the angle of the light hitting the camera. Makes the middle of the foliage look "rough/sandpaper/dusty" also makes it look a bit blue. What was your feeding schedule again? Are you feeding P? Maybe drop down the N a bit. Start by using water only next cycle.
Yeah schedule is water then feed. Using bio bizz and microbe life. Thats the only one in my garden acting like that
Definitely not powdery moldew. 100% sure about that I have no mites, mildew, bugs nothing like that. I was thinking it wasn't happy with its potential also but it's a damn 4.5 gal. I popped it like Sept 14th
I'm pretty sure it's n tox. Although last run I had no tox I literally had a claw over canoeing under leafs.
get some silica blast on those mama's, those leaves don't have a glossy sheen to them like they should. Yea, you got N toxicity, beware the claw.
hmm, not sure then. Could just be the plant not making a good waxy coat on the leaves and transpiration is happening differently for this one plant. The others look great. Might just be the genetics.