Can anyone help me out??


Well-Known Member
hit us up when you find out the rh.
I use the FF line and soil...ime I dont think its a ph issue. FF soil is good about buffering the ph.
Now this could be some patches from high humidity...Ive seen this happen in my cloner under dome on leaves, starts out like that then turns to dead patches as it ages. Ask youself, did any water drops get left on those leaves, possiblly...
Need to get some exhaust out also...small spaces...heh, any grow space needs a dehumidifier
It also looks like a pretty big patch to be thrips, but check anyways...they hang out inbetween nodes and hide really well. They have 3 diff looks as they mature..starts out as a flier, then a transparent looking long bodied fly then a black n tan soft shelled beetle. very tiny hang out in the nodes and soil


Well-Known Member
did you misted em,water em? and spill any on the leaves? other than that I'd say D666 is on right Track...check everywhere and sit watching em for 5-10 mins...also use a Scope to check up close if you can...undersides of Leaves..


Hope You sort..


I'm still not sure if it a humidity problem because I live in Fairbanks alaska and it is very dry here, if anything I would think I'd need a humidifier, and about an exhaust I know I need too get one set up I'm just not sure on how I'd go about setting it up because I am in a rental atm @Diabolical666


Well-Known Member
Also how Close is your Light to Tops..and when you transplanted(potted-on) did You water in...



The light was really close too the tops when first set up but just raised up a bit this morning when I noticed a problem and yes I watered it when I transplaned @cc2012


Well-Known Member
Seems like your tripping about nothing. Just wait. I would add a lil cal-mag but thats it


And I also used a scope to search the underside of the leaves this morning I couldn't find anything at all besides the tricromes under the white spots had white head but everywhere else had clear heads @cc2012