can anyone help


Well-Known Member
ok my plants are 3 days into 12/12 after a 32 day veg they seem to be gettin yellow with brown blotches on some, i dont know what it is and iv tried lookin in the plant probs an stuff but all the symptoms and shit seem the same cananyone help me figure it out, its also just not yellow at the bottom its yellow on old young and middle aged leafs


Well-Known Member
I had a high ph lockout of nitrogen and magnesium. I flushed with 5.2 ph'd water and clearex for a few days then when back with 1/2 nutes and ph'd after I mixed nutes in rez. Hope this helps. :bigjoint:
Pic is from my problem



Well-Known Member
ya i was thikin of flushing but im waiting till i get some ph up and down , and how do i flush just flush with water thats ph to wher i want it , i am in a soiless mix also,


im having the same problem with my plants same looking . random spotting on the yellow leaves . is your soil peat based? i have the feeling its low ph im in peat based soilless mix . and everything goes fine till about a month into it . everyone says to ad some lime but i didnnt before planting . i just transplanted into bigger pots with limed soil ill let you know if it helps. what nutes are you using? im using botanicare pro grow .


Well-Known Member
im usin fox farms light warrior and im usin fox far brow big and tiger bloom and just started the malasses, and i check my ph every time i water and its fine