Can anyone identify this strain?


Active Member
I am keen to identify the totally gorgeous plant from this banner...

Apologies for the roundabout plug - it's not my site. it's just that I can't find any similar pics elsewhere.

Any ideas?

The internet has failed me.


Well-Known Member
I bet if you just e-mailed them they would tell you instead of a guess from others. Red hairs are a rarity, odds are even if you got the exact strain you wouldn't get that coloration.
I'm gonna say it's purple skunk, just for the hell of it.


Active Member
Hi, there are a few possibilities it could be. Therefore I could not guarantee it be any specific strain.

The strains it could be include any from the purple range of cannabis plants,

this is the best list of options I could find.

Hope you finish your quest.


edit: ha, I thought purple skunk too as a preference


Active Member
Ah. I did email them. But they didn't design the site and couldn't help.

I did think about purple skunk but those pretty pink hairs threw me.

So many pretty pink hairs... My girls look like they've had a Brazilian beside that chick.

Thanks for your help. Much obliged.