Can anyone look at these pics and tell me whats wrong?

Eye of Horus

Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I have 24 Chernobyls going right now and two of them seem to have crinkling leaves... im not sure what it is or how to fix it. I think it could possibly be over watering as they are the two smallest of the bunch but I don't drown them with water and all the water I do give them is aerated for 24-72 hours first.



Well-Known Member
I don't know bud, I don't think it's over watering. Thirsty and over watered look the same to me they both make it droop and look sick, and weak but not crispy. Mine get that way too but normally it's toward the end. Did it happen slowly or overnight? What are you feeding them? I haven't tried led's yet so I don't know how they heat up the temps in there. You are using Led's right? If not that's your problem their all red and purple. (j/k)


Well-Known Member
What are your temps and rh like? It doesnt loom light related since the first pic is of lower growth so i would guess enviroment or deficiency more likely defieciency but you gotta rulenout enviro first, which is why i ask your rh and temp.

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Eye of Horus

Well-Known Member
Tis bugs, for fucks sake its bugs :(.... I understand now why its only the a couple of the big clones, because they came with the little fuckers.


Well-Known Member
Damn sorry to hear. Ne idea what kind? Pretty gnar damage for a bug, you get the clones from a dispensary or a buddy?

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Eye of Horus

Well-Known Member
Got them from my old dispensary, cuz I get a free pass so it made sense at the time to just start one whole strain instead of 100 different seeds. I am not sure what kind of bugs yet but I can tell you they are on the back of the leaves of the dieng plant I don't know if they are mites or not but I was under the impression mites are hard to see with the naked eye.

I do know that I sprayed the shit out of them with captain jacks organicide! and I will be going to grab some azamax today and will give them an azamax root drench and foliar.

Eye of Horus

Well-Known Member

Sorry the pics not that great, I took like 5 and this is the only one that came out clearish. The leaves are starting to flatten back out and go back to the way they should be already. I am pretty positive it was the bugs causing this as only 2 out of 24 plants had any signs of being ill and they both had a few pests under the leaf.

Eye of Horus

Well-Known Member
She looks a lot better so far, I tried to get a picture of any bugs but the few that were on the plant have been eliminated and those leaves have been destroyed. Sorry about the late pictures I was also writing papers for my english class >.<

I was also under the impression that waking the ladies up during the night makes them not so happy. I could be wrong, im only 3 years in so im definitely not a professional.

Eye of Horus

Well-Known Member
Time to get some mite poison!

Make sure you look for a non harmful kind, pesticides can really fuck up your smoke in the end game.
I got two different kinds of organic pesticides, one is lemon oil and garlic based. I try to keep my smoke as clean as possible because I have asthma and I can't afford to have mold or other stuff that could potentially stop me from breathing right.


Well-Known Member
I got two different kinds of organic pesticides, one is lemon oil and garlic based. I try to keep my smoke as clean as possible because I have asthma and I can't afford to have mold or other stuff that could potentially stop me from breathing right.
Right on brother, the plant will thank you in the end for not stressing her with pesticides.
Tis bugs, for fucks sake its bugs :(.... I understand now why its only the a couple of the big clones, because they came with the little fuckers.[/QUOT
Are you sure they are Chernobyl, meaning did you pop seeds or get a clone, I only ask because I've had bugs in a tent that had 4 different strains and the Chernobyl never got them, I had a similar situation with PM, the Chernobyl is notoriously resilient. Also make sure you have good air flow directed towards the underside of the plant.
my bad I didn't read the whole post, they might not really be Chernobyl