Can anyone passionately and intelligently explain what Southern pride in relation to the Rebel flag

I hate to talk like this, but you can buy a Nazi flag, and I flew a USSR flag in my barracks room. Censorship's pretty damned close to what the government would want for this site. Many people would disagree with our beliefs. Should they be able to imprison us for life for our struggles to legitimize Marijuana? No.
If only they Were telling good jokes.

Spoken like a true asshole.

You were not alive for any of it yet you choose to pick up the mantle and drag it around with you.

I am trying to help you but you are not going to listen. The only person that can make your life better is you. What other people think or do cannot affect you if you dont let it. Demanding society change to accommodate you is a losing tactic that will just leave you bitter and angry like Padwan.
Afghanistan? I dunno, man. And I don't care. Weneed to preserve our freedom, not theirs. And most of them support the Taliban, anyway.

Would you want to see a Taliban flag up in the city you fought to liberate? Where your people died? My brother cried when the Iraqi insurgents took back Tikrit (I think that was the town). He had friends die there. What if 50 years after ww2 vets visit Normandy and find the French biking around with Nazi flags yelling Vichy pride? What about 150 years later? So you think the French have monuments for the traitors who sold them out to the Nazis?
After all they were just trying to keep their way of life.
No one has answered the question. If it was just to honor the fallen dead then why isn't it used just at Military memorials and cemeteries? Do you see this shit in other countries?
Would you want to see a Taliban flag up in the city you fought to liberate? Where your people died? My brother cried when the Iraqi insurgents took back Tikrit (I think that was the town). He had friends die there. What if 50 years after ww2 vets visit Normandy and find the French biking around with Nazi flags yelling Vichy pride? What about 150 years later? So you think the French have monuments for the traitors who sold them out to the Nazis?
After all they were just trying to keep their way of life.
The Taliban weren't our brothers, fool. The Southerners were. It was hard for the entire country. The whole situation was and still is fucked up, but they're still Americans, misguided or not.

And the Taliban flag? Sure, I'd fuck 'em up, but only because ANYWHERE the Taliban flag goes, there is trouble coming in the near future. Not all Southerners are looking to fuck with the African American people.
Damn sounds like the Confederate flag don't it? Holding on to old ideals and values that only serve a few in power by force.
Damn sounds like the Confederate flag don't it? Holding on to old ideals and values that only serve a few in power by force.
The Confederate flag doesn't serve anyone in power, because the Confederacy is in ruins. We're all American here. It's you, and even Bluntmassa right now, that's living in the 1860s. Both of you need to chill the hell out on that and respect your fellow man, even if you disagree with them.
@ nlsxk1 reading comprehension. You asked why I moved down to the South. (very slowly)We have to take care of my girls dad. He suffered multiple heart attacks. I would still be in NYC if he had stayed healthy.
No one has answered the question. If it was just to honor the fallen dead then why isn't it used just at Military memorials and cemeteries? Do you see this shit in other countries?
Because the Union forbid the Confederacy from honoring their dead in cemetaries. The Union does not look at the Confederate dead as soldiers. And, yeah, actually it's worse in other countries, i.e. Shiite vs. Sunni in Iraq. Among other places.
TheConfederate flag doesn't serve anyone in power, because the Confederacy is in ruins.

Tell that to the assholes making policy here. Tell that to the assholes who had it flying atop the South Carolina capitol building up until a few months ago. Tell that to Dylan Roof. That flag has power because Southerner continue to believe in that shit.
Tell that to the assholes making policy here. Tell that to the assholes who had it flying atop the South Carolina capitol building up until a few months ago. Tell that to Dylan Roof. That flag has power because Southerner continue to believe in that shit.
Then do something about it and petition for his dismissal, or you are part of the problem. If the politician is corrupt, and not embodying American values that he's sworn to uphold, oust his ass.

Dylann Roof was not a Confederate, he was a crazed kid with a ludicrous vision. He was born over a century after the Civil War. He just misused the symbol.
I don't see Southern People changing that meaning that is the problem. And I am registered to vote here now. I'm asking the people who defend it to give me an intelligent reason to keep it going. Only a Northerner could give a lukewarm yet articulate explanation.
The meaning doesn't need to be changed, it needs to stop being changed. You're confusing it for the purpose the extremists are using it for, not its original intention.