can anyone recommend a pre mix substrate

Hello like minded people :) please can anyone recommend a pre mix substrate ? i like to concentrate on flavour predominantly i grow sativa leaning girls.
I am accustomed to canna coir currently i'm growing indoors in 7.5 litre pots under a couple of dimmable 660w hid's.
than you for any suggestions
Thanks for the replies :D @myke I probably woulda given the same answer mate.

@Buds420grow thank you for the advice mate , I have spent the last week or so reading about different mixes and they pretty much all recommended fox farms ocean forest , i'm happy to top dress the pots with some guano a couple of times through the flowering and i have heard some good things about Biotabs too but they are really expensive.
thanks again
Thanks for the replies :D @myke I probably woulda given the same answer mate.

@Buds420grow thank you for the advice mate , I have spent the last week or so reading about different mixes and they pretty much all recommended fox farms ocean forest , i'm happy to top dress the pots with some guano a couple of times through the flowering and i have heard some good things about Biotabs too but they are really expensive.
thanks again
Perfect maybe get into worm castings and worm castings tea the stuff is pretty weak so you can apply liberally anytime man !!
Have you checked out coast of Maine soil? It’s becoming a big one in my area but not sure if it’s available where your at but worth a look. They make a bunch of different mixes like fox farms. My local grow shop says they don’t like fox farm because it’s a person adding the ingredients so you may get a good bag one day then get a not so good bag the next but I know plenty of folks using it with good results. Best of luck on your search