Can anyone suggest a good Data Logger for grow rooms, Temp, RH, PPM


Well-Known Member
Hey Everyone,

I am wondering if anyone has any suggestions of Data logging and monitoring equipment for grow rooms.

What I am looking for is a device that measures humidity, temperature, co2 that has data collection that can either be connected wifi or cat5 cable to a computer or network for tracking the environment for entire grow cycles.

I don't need anything like a controller, so it wouldn't need to have any equipment automation, just for data collection and monitoring.

Please only suggest products that you have actually used or have experience with as I don't want to buy a junk unit with flashy bells and whistles. Price is not of as much concern as accuracy and quality/longevity.

I would like it to have:
-temperature monitoring
-CO2 monitoring
RH monitoring
ability to transfer the data to a computer, with graphing software.

-Extra features that would be nice
Webcam connectivity
Android or iphone based GUI/software
Wifi or Cat 5 connection
VPD measurements
light measurements in PPFD or DLI
PH monitoring for hydro
PPM monitoring for hydro

Thanks for anyone who can suggest a system that is easy to use, with flawless operation. This will be used to track mainly RH, Temp and CO2 for a fairly large 8 tray room, so a device with a base unit along with possibility of multiple sensor zones would be best.
arduino, you can build it for less than 100 bucks.
Growduino. Check it out.
Boom! 3rd reply.

"Price is not of as much concern as accuracy and quality/longevity. "

No fuck that. Spend X hours learning to build and source parts for a diy kit , then build it. WHOS CARES HOW BIG X IS, YOU SAVE A FEW HUNDRED BUCKS. EVERYBODIES LIFE SITUATION IS THE SAQME. WE ALL HAVE INFINITE FREE TIME.