Can anyone tell boy or girl


Well-Known Member
That top one is exactly what my plants look like fucking sad loll but I'll get me a mother plant soon
Yeah I picked one that was day 16 so close to where yours were running to show you they looked pretty close. Males only take about 21-25 days to be fully mature and dropping clouds of pollen. Once you get past 2 weeks you better want pollen because they start dropping it quick.

That's one of my prized males, I call him Waldo. Named him when he was only 2 weeks above soil and he had some funky leaf patterns, put him in a cabinet with a bunch of other seedlings and asked people if they could find Waldo, stinks like a female in flowering and makes nice babies :)

Martin Orcutt

Active Member
Yeah I picked one that was day 16 so close to where yours were running to show you they looked pretty close. Males only take about 21-25 days to be fully mature and dropping clouds of pollen. Once you get past 2 weeks you better want pollen because they start dropping it quick.

That's one of my prized males, I call him Waldo. Named him when he was only 2 weeks above soil and he had some funky leaf patterns, put him in a cabinet with a bunch of other seedlings and asked people if they could find Waldo, stinks like a female in flowering and makes nice babies :)
Yeah mine stink real good


Well-Known Member
Oh how do i harvest pollen i def want the pollen from these guys they stink and look great heres my 300 watt led
There's a bunch of ways but I'll share mine. Big thing is to collect and bag the pollen all in one step to avoid getting any moisture in it which kills it.

Let them go to around day 22-25, depends on the strain/male. When you think it's good to go.
  • Grab a large plastic bag, I use freezer bags for this step
  • Cut individual branches and shake them into the bag (ideally do this outside or in a garage)
  • Repeat to collect as many branches as you want. Don't worry about plant material getting into this bag at this point. When you shake them you'll drop some plant material in, filter it later.
  • Once you've collected what is now pollen and a mix of small particles from the flowers grab a strainer (I buy them at the dollar store for $1.50)
  • Get a smaller bag and bowl to put the bag in
  • Put the strainer over the bag and dump the material in the large bag through the strainer, shake slowly to let the pollen go through
  • What you should end up with is just yellow pollen in the smaller bag now

To store it, it's good for about 6 months in the freezer. I take the collected/filtered pollen, cut it with white flour about 4:1 (flour/pollen) to pick up any potential moisture. Then I take the cut pollen, fill a jar half way with rice, put the bag in, full the rest of the jar. Then freeze it. If I'm going to pollinate I take it out of the freezer about 24 hours ahead, open the bag and keep it propped open so it thaws but doesn't get any moisture build up inside the bag. Use it, then re-store again.