can anyone tell me the problem?


Well-Known Member
he still has cotyledons he shouldnt of fed it at

so your going with the generalization that all plants with their coty's shouldn't be fed?

what about my 1 month old plants that still have them...and are in hydro.???

and let's take hydroponics out of the equation, hes in soil.

and lets assume a soil other then MG with some time release in it.

I've grown in FFOF and Roots Organic.

and have fed both of which while coty's are still hanging in there......cause the plants NEED it.

now, I'm not disagreeing on the "dont feed" thing, cause its obvious he's seeing burn. But there is no way to generalize feeding and not feeding based on cotyledon leaves.


Active Member
I've never heard of this cotyledon feeding rule before but I guess it could make sense. I always was under the impression that the cotyledons yellow and fall off due to a lack of light from the growing canopy and the fact that they are just tiny, useless, and get barely any light after the first 2 or 3 weeks....but you're theory of the plant basically eating the nutes out of its cotyledons seems like it could be plausible.

Either way I think the key point here is this....if you're in decent soil, there really isn't a need for nutes during the first 2-3 weeks of the plants life, sometimes more....and if you do see signs of underfeeding then start out slowly, using 1/4 strength or less for the first couple of feedings. LESS IS MORE

the cotyledons falling off are just a guideline if they have fell off and you havent fed them its time to feed,doesnt mean they have to fall off first,but he fed them way too early and probably too much hence the nute burn,the plant will just use the nutes in it when its not needed anymore


Active Member
so your going with the generalization that all plants with their coty's shouldn't be fed?

what about my 1 month old plants that still have them...and are in hydro.???

and let's take hydroponics out of the equation, hes in soil.

and lets assume a soil other then MG with some time release in it.

I've grown in FFOF and Roots Organic.

and have fed both of which while coty's are still hanging in there......cause the plants NEED it.

now, I'm not disagreeing on the "dont feed" thing, cause its obvious he's seeing burn. But there is no way to generalize feeding and not feeding based on cotyledon leaves.
what im sayin is he fed them 10-15-10 too early and its too much for the plant at that stage,hes got like 2-3 nodes? he didnt need to feed it thats what i was saying


Well-Known Member
what im sayin is he fed them 10-15-10 too early and its too much for the plant at that stage,hes got like 2-3 nodes? he didnt need to feed it thats what i was saying
I agree to the fullest.

just pointing out that coty's are really off little significance based on when to feed or not.

and really they are of little need to the plant once "true" leaves have developed.


Active Member
I agree to the fullest.

just pointing out that coty's are really off little significance based on when to feed or not.

and really they are of little need to the plant once "true" leaves have developed.
exactly i was letting him know the plant will basically feed itself during the seedling stage and he should get better nutes for the earlier stages if he can


thanks alot guys so for about another week or so ill do just water and keep it on the 12 12 schedule. also it was streching but i have fixed it and it has gotten alot stronger, the structure of the plant


Well-Known Member
are you running a fan on the plant also since its been stretched so much try putting soil up higher on the stem for strength almost like reburying it deeper.


are you running a fan on the plant also since its been stretched so much try putting soil up higher on the stem for strength almost like reburying it deeper.
yeah im running a fan on it now and i dont need to burry it anymore i did it once to help it when it fell over the first week. thanks though! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Yeah do straight tap water(letting it sit to let the chlorine evaporate for 24hrs) for at LEAST a week if not a little longer, then you can start reintroducing your neutriets again.

Also your soil looks to just be straight out of the bag(very little perlite), next time mix in extra. Regular bags of potting soil you usually want to do about a 1:4 ratio of straight perlite to soil. If using topsoil instead of potting soil you'll want to do a 1:3 ratio. You want a light airy soil mixture for weed. You want soil that drys out after 2 days so your roots will grow strong searching for water.


Well-Known Member
Oh, and make sure you follow the directions on your nutrients based on the size of pot you are using, if you can get one get a PPM meter. You'll know something is really wrong if when you mix up your nutrients and water that the PPM is above 1200 doing full strength(300 1/4, 600 1/2, etc). You'll want to also test the PPM of your tap water as well and add that on to the #, so like if your PPM of your tap water is 100, shoot for 400 for 1/4 neut solution. Also if the PPM of your tap water is REALLY high like over 300, you might want to consider putting that through a filter first.