Can anyone tell me what is up with my plants? !pictures!


Hello guys, i have recently got some blue cheese cuttings they got off to a bad start because i did not have propogator i have transfered them over to the nft today nearly all of them had about 6 roots coming out a one or two were starting to go brown thats why we put them in , we have 17 , they are on the nft with a light feed gong through them with some root stimulator they have been in for a couple of hours now but i am worried that the leafs are burnt ? we have one 600W over it about 2-3 above them, any help is much apreciated :sad::dunce: oh and by the way they are 2 weeks old on the 3/3/11IMG_0009.jpgIMG_0006.jpgIMG_0008.jpgIMG_0007.jpg


Well-Known Member
They look thirsty first off!
Other then that, some nitrogen based nutes will get them nice and green again.
Most scraggly clones will grow up and will produce good harvests after their root systems are fully developed. Patience is key.


thaks alot for the quick reply yeah today we recently put them on the nft and we mixed up CANNA aqua vega A + B Rhizotec and catlysm or something not too sure what the name is , you think this will do them alot off good ? and when would u say is the best time to put on the rest of the light we have 4 600W but the one seems to burn it so how old do they have to be before they can handle the light? thanks alot mate great help!


Well-Known Member
Let them grow a solid root system first off man. Patience. If its not happy under the bush.. it won't be on top either:]
Canna has some good nutes, but start them off at 1/4 the recommended dose as directed to on the back label. NFT will require you to feed well, but you're in the beginning stages and tbh, they look a little nute burned already by the looks of the tips of the leaves. After new growth forms on top, slowly bump the ammount of nutes used from 1/4 to 1/2 to full over the coure of a week or two. Don't push them too hard this early on.

Edit: Lay off those other HPS lamps for now. Leave the one about 2ft above them until they perk back up.


thanks man i went on cannas website and they have grow guide u chuck in the litres of your tank and what stage your at and it tells you what to chuck in it said my EC needed to b 1.4 but it was only .5 and i didnt want to add more nutes the ph is at 5.9 at mo , they seemed like they were dying in the propgator thats y we took them out there is a nice few roots dont get me wrong , if chucking them in the NFT has done Good/Bad will i see by tomorow ? thank you so much for this ! LEGEND!


Well-Known Member
No doubt man.
You should see improvement by tomorrow forsure.. if not, don't panic. They're probably focusing on putting energy into producing a stronger root system. Once they've achieved that, new growth above will flourish like crazy. Follow those charts like a bible and good luck with it. Pay strong attn to detail at this point in their life. Hopefully all new growth from here on out is greeeeeen:]


yeah i hope so too mate your a top geezer! ive sent you a friend request ill let you know how my little ladies got on ! happy toking


Well-Known Member
Gotcha. Accepted and Sub'd
Keep us updated with new pics I wanna know how the Blue Cheese turns out.
I've gotta Cheese going right now in my multi-strain grow:]