Can B.T. be used during flower?

Yes. It should be safe to use up until harvest. I'm sure you know to not spray in full sun...but other than should be AOK.
No sign of bud worms- just want to use as preventative- just don't want to pollute buds.
I used it up until about 3 weeks into flower. I use Monterey brand. There's no noticeable smell that I've noticed on mine. The guy at the grow store told me you can go all the way up to the end of flower with it, I don't see the point though. If you have worms, they're hiding deep inside the buds where the spray won't get them. They have to eat it in order to be affected by it.
I definetly use it as a preventive and have notice a couple worms already.I have never noticed a off taste or smell in the finished product in the past.I say go for it and start spraying that shit!
Safers bt products i have used in the past were quite stinky. But i could not smell it on the plant 48 hours later.

I would not want spray anything past six weeks of flowering on a ten week flowering gal. Just my preference.

Good luck.
No sign of bud worms- just want to use as preventative- just don't want to pollute buds.
Spray on..The smell or taste will not linger.. keep those tops safe before its to late im spraying can eve use a small dose.. im going damn near full strenth