Can clones go right into flowering?


Well-Known Member
yes you can even root them in the flowering room .... they just wont grow very much... and may not give the biggest yield per plant...
but many people do it.. although its obviously better to veg them for atleast a week after they rooted...


Well-Known Member
people start seeds in 12/12...
almost the only way to grow sativas indoors without having 12ft plants hahah

you can do pretty much whatever you want cannabis its a great plant

good luck


Well-Known Member
Putting the plants into the flowering room is a good idea if you want a fast yeiled.but take loads of clones and wait a week on 18 on 6 off then the ones that look good bang them on 12/12off this can be a great way of growing if you get it spot on.when i say clone's i mean take has many yhat will fit in the room before cloneing.the advantage to takeing clones leaveing to root for a week then put on 12/12 off is that they recive max light,and you can end up with more if not the same ammount of bud,has you would have growing 4/5 big plants.[Sea of green]


Active Member
Can clones go right into flowering?
Agree with everything said above.

I also feel that when taking your cuts from a plant already in flower (around 2 weeks) as I do then its actually better to put them straight into 12/12 once well rooted as the cuts will be effectively 'in flower' and showing first pistils anyway when you take them. As opposed to taking the cuts from a mature vegging mother plant.

They stay small and produce lower yield this way so I like to 'multiplant' them. I have 3 Kush cuts just into 12/12 in my thread below, in a single large pot to allow the roots room to stretch.