GreenBean 420
Well-Known Member
Three girls, 22 days old.
Decided to make my first compost tea
2 1/2 Gallon mix
Insect frass - 2 tablespoons
Neem Seed Meal - 1 tablespoon
1 1/4 cup EWC
Fish/seaweed extract - 5ml (don’t really remember)
Fish Sh!t - 10ml
Humic acid/fulvic acid - 2tsp
Mykos - 1 tbsp
Black stamp molasses - 2 tbsp
aerated for 24 hours. PPM was 850 I THINK
Added 10ml Cal/Mag+ before watering in. Believe this may have needed to be mixed in first but forgot.
End PPM was 1200 for the solution
PH 6.3
Is this way too strong for this stage of growth. On the fence if a PPM meter even works on the organics in a tea. It’s been 24 hours since they received the tea and they’ve grown more than an inch and a half over night but I still am curious if this is just too strong a brew generally. So far plants seem fine.
Decided to make my first compost tea
2 1/2 Gallon mix
Insect frass - 2 tablespoons
Neem Seed Meal - 1 tablespoon
1 1/4 cup EWC
Fish/seaweed extract - 5ml (don’t really remember)
Fish Sh!t - 10ml
Humic acid/fulvic acid - 2tsp
Mykos - 1 tbsp
Black stamp molasses - 2 tbsp
aerated for 24 hours. PPM was 850 I THINK
Added 10ml Cal/Mag+ before watering in. Believe this may have needed to be mixed in first but forgot.
End PPM was 1200 for the solution
PH 6.3
Is this way too strong for this stage of growth. On the fence if a PPM meter even works on the organics in a tea. It’s been 24 hours since they received the tea and they’ve grown more than an inch and a half over night but I still am curious if this is just too strong a brew generally. So far plants seem fine.