can filter problems


Active Member
Two homemade can filters and can't pull air through either with a 6" 240 cfm muffin type fan. Each filter is 5"x10" with an inside diameter of 3" so the activated carbon is about an inch thick. The fan cools a 400watt hps through a cool tube in a 13 cubic ft dresser so I think she has plenty of blow. Could I have packed them to tight with activated carbon? I had both of the filters hooked up at the same time coz that was the plan from the start. Small grow space. Any help would be appreciated.


Ursus marijanus
The commercial ones have a larger inside tube. Also, the granularity of your charcoal may be too fine. Where did you get it?

The cost of modern can filters is almost all in the carbon charge ... the casing is cheap. So if you're saving money on the charcoal, you may be using a less-suitable sort ... cn


Active Member
The commercial ones have a larger inside tube. Also, the granularity of your charcoal may be too fine. Where did you get it?

The cost of modern can filters is almost all in the carbon charge ... the casing is cheap. So if you're saving money on the charcoal, you may be using a less-suitable sort ... cn

I have looked into sizes and how they're made. My thought was to have a couple smaller versions of the larger store bought ones because of the space I have. I picked up a few cartons of the stuff from the pet store.... Will this not work as well or should I go for something different?


Active Member
I don't know where you got the instructions for your homemade filter, but here's a link to a really good DIY filter: My cousin and I made one for his setup and it has never given any problems. Check it out and see if yours is similar in design. It may need a couple of tweaks.

Thanx...Yeah I have seen that filter build. I basically made a scaled down canister filter like you'd find in your local hydro shop.


Ursus marijanus
I have looked into sizes and how they're made. My thought was to have a couple smaller versions of the larger store bought ones because of the space I have. I picked up a few cartons of the stuff from the pet store.... Will this not work as well or should I go for something different?
Can't tell you, since I don't know how carefully generic per carbon is sized. I have a Phresh commercial filter and am very impressed with its ease of draw.
What i would try (if diameter is an issue) is make it longer with a thinner bed/larger internal pipe. It also is very important to have lots of holes/open area in both pipes but especially the inner one. Of what is it made, and is it very free-flowing? cn


Well-Known Member
What's a muffin fan? If it's a fan like this...

Then no wonder it's not pulling air through your carbon filters...Fans like these are not rated for any sort of pressure, so if you're trying to pull air through something with resistance, it's not gonna work at all.

If you have a different sort of fan, please post a picture of what it looks like.


Active Member
Can't tell you, since I don't know how carefully generic per carbon is sized. I have a Phresh commercial filter and am very impressed with its ease of draw.
What i would try (if diameter is an issue) is make it longer with a thinner bed/larger internal pipe. It also is very important to have lots of holes/open area in both pipes but especially the inner one. Of what is it made, and is it very free-flowing? cn

Both ends are sealed as is the inside from out so the only place for the air to go is through carbon. I used hardware cloth and pantyhose to keep the carbon in place. The hardware cloth is similar to chicken wire.


Ursus marijanus
Both ends are sealed as is the inside from out so the only place for the air to go is through carbon. I used hardware cloth and pantyhose to keep the carbon in place. The hardware cloth is similar to chicken wire.
I think you've got that end of it right ... but I think Meta is on it in re fan. Imo you want something with fewer cfm but more of a "static head" capacity ... a four-incher with a variac should serve you well ... cn


Well-Known Member
I think you've got that end of it right ... but I think Meta is on it in re fan. Imo you want something with fewer cfm but more of a "static head" capacity ... a four-incher with a variac should serve you well ... cn
I layman's of


Active Member
What's a muffin fan? If it's a fan like this...

Then no wonder it's not pulling air through your carbon filters...Fans like these are not rated for any sort of pressure, so if you're trying to pull air through something with resistance, it's not gonna work at all.

If you have a different sort of fan, please post a picture of what it looks like.

Something like that. It's what I picked up for the space I'm in. Didn't think to much of the pressure end of things because the thing blew like hell. So yeah, I guess that could be the source of my problems. Thanx....


Active Member
I haven't set it up in my tent yet. Waiting for that to happen soon. Why is not tolerant of back pressure? Bad model? Is there a way to counter it?