Can Guys Really Not Find the Clitoris.


Well-Known Member
lol this is common knowledge

Even if you don't know exactly where it is.... you'll KNOW when you find it :hump:


Well-Known Member
I'm watching dinner for schmucks right now. And I'm wondering, are there really guys out there who can't find the clitoris? I mean.. its so obvious where it is. I don't expect people to give out their stories, but maybe someone knows someone who can't find it. I mean seriously, are there people out there who can't find it. They could just ask and she'll tell them where feels good and shit. Or watch one of those educational pornos?
I don't know about that but funny story... Years ago back in my teens I went on a double date with my then-girlfriend, her best friend and her best friend's boyfriend. We went to an ice skating rink that was next to a park. After skating we walked to a pavilion and proceeded to do "things" teens do. After we met back up with them, her boyfriend proceeded to tell me how he had just gotten the best blowjob he's ever had. I asked him if he came in her mouth and he said "Yeah totally, uh whats that feel like again." I couldn't help but laugh. I mean we were 16ish, surely all males have experienced an orgasm by 16, self-induced or not. Then I didn't see him for years after that, he ended up becoming a junkie and I ran into him at college and had to beat the shit out of him because he was trying to act hard in front of another one of my ex's. I'm not even sure that he remembered me. Well anyways thats my funny story.


Well-Known Member
Everyone knows that shit. The clitoris is a tiny button in the back of the throat, so in order to bring a woman to orgasm, you have to mouth fuck them.

Fucking duh.


Well-Known Member
The G-spot is an area of skin located on the Anterior wall of the vaginal canal. Doesn't sound hot, does it? :lol:


Well-Known Member
Can you guys really not find that spot under the head where the corona comes together, where if you lick it feels fantastic?

(there ya go Carne)



Well-Known Member
clitoris is the oddest name given to a body part. It sounds like its supposed to be a dinosaur, clitoris lol