Can headlice affect my crop???


Well-Known Member
I didn't even know what Sevin was until I googled it. Seems like pretty potent shit -->


The development of the carbamate insecticides has been called a major breakthrough in pesticides. The carbamates do not have the persistence of chlorinated pesticides. Although toxic to insects, carbaryl is detoxified and eliminated rapidly in vertebrates. It is neither concentrated in fat nor secreted in the milk. For the latter reasons, carbaryl is favored for food crops, at least in the US.[SUP][1][/SUP] It is the active ingredient in Carylderm shampoo used to combat head lice until infestation is eliminated.

Carbaryl kills both targeted (e.g. malaria-carrying mosquitos) and beneficial insects (e.g. honeybees), as well as crustaceans.
Although approved for more than 100 crops in the US, carbaryl is illegal in several countries, including the United Kingdom, Austria, Denmark, Sweden, Iran, Germany, and Angola.[SUP][3][/SUP]
Carbaryl is often produced using methyl isocyanate (MIC) as an intermediary. A leak of MIC used in the production of carbaryl caused the Bhopal disaster, the largest industrial accident in history. This accident caused around 11,000 deaths and over 500,000 injuries.
I've been using it on veggies for years, since back when the "real" Diazinon" was available. I've even still got some old glass jars of the GOOD stuff left that kills termites with one app.


this thread should be deleted and that admin/mod guy saying ill remember you is a dumb bitch... sevin should NOT NOT NOT NOT! be used on anything your going to put in your mouth... HOTROD your right about the questions... idk why someone would even think lice could thrive on plants when they chill all day on dried up nasty scalps and shit haha anyway the mod that put on here to use sevin should be withdrawn immediately and punched in the face for bein a dumbass.... throw it in the fan? wtf is that about lol i guess so it can just go all over your grow area and continue to infest your plant until you cut it down and smoke that horrible toxin what a sorry ass thread!