Can I add soil to increase depth?


Active Member
Hi guys n girls!
Just a quick question...
I have an outdoor grow going on this year and rather than using pots I decided this year to just dig a large area and create a raised bed. The problem is I have about 12" x 12" between each plant but I think I only have about 6" depth of good soil/compost. Underneath is soil but not very good quality and full of other roots.
If I add a few bags of quality stuff on top and spread around stalks of plants, will the plants make any use of it with their roots or am I just wasting my time?
Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
I would say that the roots are already established and adding more soil on top of wont really do much for them. If you do add some I wouldn't let the now touch the stalk. Keep t about an inch away.


Active Member
hmm thanks, so basically the existing roots won't grow up into the new soil and the stem will not grow new roots out into the new soil, so it is fairly pointless...
May just help condition the soil below where the roots are though.
Overall my plants seem to be doin quite well, so maybe I am worrying about nothin!

Oh another question.. I have a barrier of slug pellets around the area which work well (against sluggies). I have noticed a few leaves have been chewed a little and some little holes in places. I have checked for bugs but found none... I think this maybe some flying insect landing having a chew and then flyin off! Is there a spray I can use to repel insects like this?


Not sure about all flyers but I used a mild tobacco mixture last year which cigarette or a pinch of tobacco soaked in water overnight) and then diluted with say 5litres water, err on side of caution and overdilute rather than under...downside is that this contains nicotine therefore should not be used when flowering.There is a product called Sharpshooter which is organic as well although I have not used it.Maybe await further posts from the experts !


Well-Known Member
As long as the roots are big enough to support the plant you are okay. You'd be surprised how big of a plant you can get in a tiny container when you keep it well fed. I had a 4ft male in a dixie cup last winter in my green house. I'd topdress your soil before it rains every time. I do this and they go crazy from the rain seeping the goodness into the root system. Top dress with any guano, worm castings, or cow manure. Foliar feeding is also amazing when you're dealing with constricted root space. Fish emulsion is the bomb for this.


Active Member
Satch - Thanks for advice. yeah I think I'm just stressing a little! Must try the fish emulsion... any recommendations on type and ratio etc?