can i cut fan leavs?

leave them alone! they are there for a reason. hard to say when you'll see sex parts. depends on the plant and the lights etc. get a little magnifier and watch for the hairs. there's a pretty significant difference between the female and male "parts" so you'll be able to tell easily.
its a great way of training a plant but should only be tried when you have done 3-4 successful grows,

advanced growers often remove fan leaves/inter nodes (some small shoots) to control the canopy shape in veg and in flower to help with light perpetrate,airflow to the lower canopy, this helps to reduce the amount of airy buds in the lower canopy and often increase you final yield, its takes time to learn and if you do it wrong, you can stunt the plant growth and get a lower yield
In the words of Bozo...

Read. That is the only surfire path to success. Do research, learn, search and read, read, Read. I have been growing for three years and learn new things every single grow. There is so much good information out there ready for the taking.

My suggestion for your first grow... Aim for a healthy plant don't do anything to it. Watch the plant grow see how and what it does. Make your goal a healthy girl. Aim for weight later. This is a hobby that takes patience and lots of practice.
to all the people making fun/telling the OP to spell better, shut your mouths. some people dont speak/write english as their first language and that doesnt mean they're "retarded" or "stupid"
grow up
Its an auto?
check the Auto Forum but you should be lighting that plant way more than a regular plant like light 20 hours, dark 4 hours.
Some people just go lights On till the end, no night time with Autos.
That is how you get the best weight from an Auto as I have read in that forum.
It can be strain specific, lighting period go read some Auto Journals too.

Autos are definitely different in how much light you give them.

its auto super kush light i have 13/11, so better not to cut fan leavs!
I don't cut fan leaves during veg, I only cut them the last few days or week of flowring and only if leaves r too big and wide that are covering buds.

DO NOT CUT YOUR FAN LEAVES, EVER. When they are dead remove, this is the only time. If they are covering your bud tuck them or move them. You will take away trichs and yield with every healthy leaf you cut off.
I don't know anything about autoflowers except that they seem a little unstable. I Try not to cut leaves off. If a leaf is blocking light to my buds I cut the leaf in half, halfway down the fingers as a compromise. I don't know why it is that people (myself included) want to pull fan leaves off. I have a buddy that's obsessed with it. He fucked up his last grow picking leaves off, and with his current grow, he was doing just fine four weeks in, and then one morning he decided he just couldn't stand it any more and plucked them all off again lol. And now his plants are sad. smh. Just TRY to refrain... I know its hard... maybe I should start a leaf-pluckers anonymous group. SHAME SHAME SHAME on you people for picking on someone who is struggling with English. Its bad enough he is struggling with his grow! Lets keep it positive, people; aren't we supposed to be here to help each other out? I hope this absurdity hasn't soured you on this forum. Rest assured, I will help you out, and I know there are other kind people on here that feel the same way. Keep on keepin on, brother. The fact that you came here to ask for help shows that you love your plants , and LOVE is important to Cannabis. Too many people overlook that and just focus on light, nutes, temp, rh, but love is DEFINITELY a factor.
DO NOT CUT YOUR FAN LEAVES, EVER. When they are dead remove, this is the only time. If they are covering your bud tuck them or move them. You will take away trichs and yield with every healthy leaf you cut off.

Lol when you tuck, basically it would be somewhat same as cutting as ur leave surface won't be getting much light(if don't believe, get a light sensor and test, smallest angle to a leaf will change the amount of light received drastically). Last few days of flower I don't mind cutting some fan leaves, especially if overcrowded. Obviously you won't cut fan leaves with bunch of trichomes but the more yellow ones which some tent to be at that stage. Have u tried doing so? If not try before talking so certainly. Nothing is 100% right or wrong and will only depend on circumstances, sometimes folks cut branches and large fan leaves simply for better air circulation, again you don't practice that every time but saying NEVER do it could very much be misleading, peace.
My first grow ever I removed a vast majority of my shade leaves to ill effect. Since then. The leaves stay until they are dead.

I don't really think there is an argument over removing leaves to leaving them. If there is a question. I would leave them. Personal preference maybe....

If the plant doesn't want them she'll stop sending nutes. Hence the leaves dry out, yellow and die. I think the plant has a better idea of what it wants then we do. Next time you have a real bushy grow take a look under the canopy. I'll bet you see a ton of leaves that start die-ing off. This is because she turns her focus to a more favorable spot.

We are trying to give this guy a basic understanding of how cannabis grows. I think giving him lollipop techniques and removing certain leaves at this stage is dumb and confusing. Keep it simple. Don't remove leaves watch your girl grow and then use your new knowledge for the next grow.
By the way not trying to be a dick but fix your spelling and
if you have already induced flowering i don't know what to say other
then good luck.

I keep seeing this problem with then and than. Not one for correcting the grammar of others, since you complained about spelling
i take it from that grammar is important to you. Perhaps you could look at this.

This must be the most common error, i see it so often so do not feel too bad, i think the error is much more common with Americans for some reason.
i myself do not care about grammar and spelling and often get things wrong lol

Grammar 101
Then is used to reference a point in time
Than is used to compare or separate

"I don't know what to say other than* good luck." .. Chief!
Lol when you tuck, basically it would be somewhat same as cutting as ur leave surface won't be getting much light(if don't believe, get a light sensor and test, smallest angle to a leaf will change the amount of light received drastically). Last few days of flower I don't mind cutting some fan leaves, especially if overcrowded. Obviously you won't cut fan leaves with bunch of trichomes but the more yellow ones which some tent to be at that stage. Have u tried doing so? If not try before talking so certainly. Nothing is 100% right or wrong and will only depend on circumstances, sometimes folks cut branches and large fan leaves simply for better air circulation, again you don't practice that every time but saying NEVER do it could very much be misleading, peace.

Lesson number 2: Don't believe everything you read on the internet, haha. All in all it's up to you to decide. Best of luck on your grow, dude.
yea it pretty hard when it comes to decision, but i will not cut the fan leavs i just thught if sombody cut my hands to better see my armits it wudnt be nice, but i need to cut burned places? 2013-10-02 10.25.21.jpg2013-10-02 10.25.38.jpg2013-10-02 10.52.49.jpg2013-10-02 10.53.00.jpg
leave your fan leaves alone, they store food/sugars for the plant and collect light for photosynthesis. Usually takes 10-14 days to transition from veg to flower. New growers should stick with standard proven methods for the first couple grows, then once comfortable taking a plant to harvest, start experimenting.