Can i cut the fan leaves????


hi there
im doing nft for the first time and its grwing to fast, but it seams that the fan leaves are drinking and eating all the nutrients.
is it bad to cut them????in order to let more light and nutrients be absorved by the buds?


Active Member
hi there
im doing nft for the first time and its grwing to fast, but it seams that the fan leaves are drinking and eating all the nutrients.
is it bad to cut them????in order to let more light and nutrients be absorved by the buds?
Do not cut them, they are your plants solar panels. that's where they take in the light to make your buds!


Well-Known Member
You can tuck them back to get light to the other parts of your plants. You can also cut the bottom growth off and lollipop it, or just get more/brighter lighting to penetrate the canopy.


You can tuck them back to get light to the other parts of your plants. You can also cut the bottom growth off and lollipop it, or just get more/brighter lighting to penetrate the canopy.
your plant has got leafs for a reason jus tuck em back like lucifer says. do not cut them off they take in essential things needed for photosynthesis to take place :weed::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
lol, the fan leaves taking in the nutes and water and using them in photosythesis to make energy for growing is what they are supposed to be doing. the plant doesnt drop them when it starts budding for a needs them for normal flower growth.....


Active Member
really i see this over and over what do people have against the beautiful fan leaves can anyone think of a plant that grows without the foliage when i get a branch that is pushing through the canopy i just move the leaf so it can poke through and if the branch dont make it by 3 weeks flower its gone


agreed. the leaves may seem to be using up all the nutes and water, but theres a few reasons why. the leaves are needed for natural photosynthesis and they also help with the exchange of gases. the plant cannot be healthy if these natural processes cant be done due to loss of leaves. i havent heard anyone else mention this as a reason, but just from watching my last few harvests, after flushing your medium of nutes a few weeks before harvest, the buds pull the nitrogen they need from the fan leaves since it can no longer get it from the medium. thats why the large fan leaves all turn yellow and look sick. so again to agree with everyone else, do not cut them off, just tuck them. and if you tuck them too tightly and they lose most light to them, they'll start to die off anyway.


Thanks a lot guy!!!!im a beginner with this and i tought that if i cut them the light would be better......but im wrong, anyway i didnt cut so much:)