Thanks Doozy!
doe's your flood line allow most your media to get water? or is just wet on bottom ?
peralite is good drains fast..
I flood the table as high as possible because it dosen't soak the whole thing. In bloom the 9x9 pots are 10" high total, the soil level it @ 9" from the bottom so I have 1" room at the top. The bottom 1.5" or so of the pots is Hydroton then the dirt on top of that. The table floods up 5" high, so the remaining 4" above flood level to the soil level is only getting wet by wicking up the moisture.
From the looks of the surface you can never tell if it is dry or wet because it dosent go that high up. But the moisture from bottom feeding seems to pull the root system downwards towards the flood zone. The 6x6 white pots had mad amounts of clean bright white roots holding it together nicely while i transplanted them. They have very nice root systems.
The bottom of the veg pots were filled with Pearlite, when I transplanted into the bloom pots the roots were holding all the pearlite down there together. So somewhere in near the bottom of the bloom pots is a nice big pocket of pearlite as well with maybe an inch or so of dirt, then the Hydroton in the bottom.