can I flower before pre-flowers?


Well-Known Member
I have some plants that are reaching 18" tall but are not showing preflowers. Jorge Cervantes writes that flowering before preflowers show causes stress ,strange growth and hermaphrodites. This is some expert advice but id like to hear some other opinions. I want to throw them into my flowering room but I dont see any preflowers and jorge has got me pretty reluctant to do so.


Well-Known Member
Ideally you should wait but most people don't have the space to weight that long if growing indoors. I flower all my plants between 16-22inches wither they are showing preflowers or not.


Well-Known Member
its totally fine, I dont know how ppl get these preflowers...Iv always had to flower something to determine sex.


Well-Known Member
its totally fine, I dont know how ppl get these preflowers...Iv always had to flower something to determine sex.
you grow the plant untill its sexually mature. You dont have to flower to determine sex. Just grow it long enough and it will.


Well-Known Member
did what exactly? Iwent to the hydro shop earlier and the guy told me if Im using fem seeds to wait and let them show pre-flowers first. My one plant has grown from 18" to pushing 21" in 2 days! so I FIM'd it and im going to use bushmaster because orange bud likes to streatch. Thats why I want to flower them small so the light intensity penetrates deeper = better yield. Am I right?


Well-Known Member
Overall, I think you will find mixed responses. Ideally, you should wait, but if you are confined by space, time, etc. then you can start flowering any time you want.

Want bigger, healthier buds...........wait for maturity/preflowers.
Just want something to smoke...........flower whenever.

Just my opinion!


Well-Known Member
I have some plants that are reaching 18" tall but are not showing preflowers. Jorge Cervantes writes that flowering before preflowers show causes stress ,strange growth and hermaphrodites. This is some expert advice but id like to hear some other opinions. I want to throw them into my flowering room but I dont see any preflowers and jorge has got me pretty reluctant to do so.
Throw her in your flowering room and if it shows sacs then remove it.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, my high times dvd "sea of green vol.2 closet cultivation" the guy "hans" clones the top of the plant at day 24 and flowers it to determine sex. then he knows which plants are mothers. I'll put my tallest plant into flower and wait and see.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, my high times dvd "sea of green vol.2 closet cultivation" the guy "hans" clones the top of the plant at day 24 and flowers it to determine sex. then he knows which plants are mothers. I'll put my tallest plant into flower and wait and see.
Exactly. Even if you do have a male you will have way enough time to get rid of it.


Well-Known Member
i've never waited for preflowers and my stuff is awesome, imo :) I read what Jorge Cervantes wrote too but i really don't think it matters. Based on my experience, I would say its totally unnecessary to wait. I would seriously doubt that waiting could greatly improve the quality of the smoke. My guess is that you wouldn't even be able to tell the difference.


Well-Known Member
well, I guess theyre not exactly pre-flowers anymore. I fed them 5ml/gal dose of bushmaster 4 days ago and today I saw what appear to be the formation of white pistils. Both of them are fim'd and maby that could explain the retarted looking growth from the tops. Theyve been really droopy since giving them bushmaster but they havnt turned yellow maby a slight disoloration on the tips and edges. but I would say Im deffinately getting twisted malformed growth. And Ive let the soil dry out completely and have had it saturated and still the drooping leaves and my tops look all fucked up. Is that what a FIM'd top is supposed to look like?



Well-Known Member
Yeah man, it should be fine. It can stress the plants a little but I think that in the worst case you may flower for a bit longer. great looking plant though.:clap:


Well-Known Member
Well the 5 ml dose of bushmaster toatally fried my plants. All of the fanleaves turned yellow and fell off. I bought a bottle of purple maxx and fed the plants that didnt get the bushmaster, the healthy ones, a ful dose because they were big and now all the plants fed maxx are turning yellow. I always used a full dose of gravity and never had anything bad so I thought the max and bushmaster were the same. Big mistake. Im glad to say though that I'll be growing all organic from now on so I wont be using chem ferts.