Can I Flower My Plants EXTRA Early?


can i flower my plants after like week 1 of veg.? or maybe week 2? what will the sideaffects be? i jsut wont 2 try this new strain that i invented myself by pollinating certain strains together.:weed: by the way i got 8 plants


Well-Known Member
Yes you can flower as early as you like really. But it's going to be a very small harvest. If time is your problem, then you can also shorten the light period from 12/12 to 10/14 and they'll flower faster, less but faster.


Well-Known Member
You can do 12/12 from seed if you want. That's what I'm doing now 1000w 12/12 from seed. Check me out once I get up my journal.


alright thanks everyone! appriciate it! +rep all :), and yeah im not to worried about the yield much i just wont to try this mix I did, it sounds like it'll be a good strain mix but you never know lol. I'll keep everyone posted! :). bckiller ill check out your journal right too also