can i flower


Well-Known Member
hi im not going to but just wondering if i could flower my plant it's 26days old 11inch's tall big and bushy also when i do switch to flowering do i use budding nutrient's the same day i switch 12/12 or give it a couple of days? tell me what you think. and do you think it's a girl?



Well-Known Member
ya flower... i waited to long and it got to big so i had to tie it sideways... take 2 clones b4 you switch to 12 12 ... juss get rockwool, clip 2 clones, stick some olivia gel on there, and keep under a small floro 24 hrs... you will get it to root in 8-9 days.. when u switch to 12 12 u will determine sex quickly and see if its a girl... if it is a girl, juss continue to flower that plant and veg those 2 clones, and then keep 1 girl and juss continue cuttin clones off that and stickin the clones into flower ... it will give u a good amount every 4 weeks if you keep cuttin clones


Well-Known Member
shit its prob 5ft tall right now and thats with it bent sideways .... still growing ... got another 40 days left .... take a look at my grow journal