can I flowering in the middle of winter? This is a grow that will give you some ideas of what to do. It may not directly relate but some things you may want to consider esp. since building something on your own may be a waste of time and money. He uses a car canopy to provide some protection from rain. You could use something like this as the frame and then just cover it in a clear plastic.
The prices are high, that sites just for a example. You can check listings for much cheaper products with similar function. Any way you can take a picture of the plants. best way to give advice.
all done mate and here are the pictues the ones in the front are about 5ft and put the ones in the back are over6ft including the pots though, there in 55litre pots which is about 15gallons. there in coco and i feed them every 4 hours i no it sounds alot but from my tests this is the best option. i just been FIMing them every week to slow the growth abit. i can translat them in bigger pots if i need to there in nets so it wont be that hard.

i just had a look at that sight i think somehting like that is my best option u been alot of help mate i really appreciate your effort, will the sunlight still penertrate the shade? also judging by my timing i the light for acouple of weeks will be around 10 hours a day? will this just give me less yield or can it kill the plants?


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10 hours i think will just slow down flowering, nothing that major esp if its only a for a few weeks. Those plants are real good looking. The sun will penetrate the plastic easily, some people even use fine netting to block out the "eye in the sky" and the sun will pentrate that too. if you transplant and not into the ground, i recommend using garbage cans. a couple cheap large cans will give your plants enough root room and allow them to florish as they have been. obviously thats only if height is not a issue. If you have a garbage can your plants will be 3 feet off the ground to start and then by the time your done flowering you could see your plants reach 9-10 feet on there own. great grow btw how many 1000 watt light did you use
i vegged them under 3 1000watters for a month then now i just put 1 1000watter in the middle for about 2 weeks just to slow the groth down alittle, i use superthrive and seaweed with my nutrients not sure if it does anything i never tried without to compare. i usually flower them indoor but i only do 1 or 2 plants at a time and use the 3000watts for the one or sometimes 2, there is no way i got the space to flower these and to be honest im sick of indoor hydro growing, i really want to get into the outdoor stuff.
Realize that he meant zero degrees C, not F.

Yes, you will have no worries. You are in the short stack of sunshine so make sure they get at least 5 hours of direct sunlight...the more the better.

Weed will stop growing if it gets under 10C. But it will start right back up again when it warms past that. The warmer the better....until you hit triple digits (around).

Grow Indicas if you can, since they don't need as long to finish, if your humidity levels aren't too high that is.
cheers thanks for your advie +rep. from my photos what kind of plant is it? i got it given to me from a friend and he just told me how to grow it, never really new what it was.
I'd say it was a Sativa ... :lol:

No worries still mate. As long as you don't have 90%'ll finish her nicely.

She will grow much stronger outside.....where the real light is.
leeroy dont listen to crackerjax, he hasnt grown bud before. Go by experienced people. Keep them in a green house. Also it looks like a non dominant plant. Neither sativa or indica dominant. Weed will not just stop growing at 10 degrees celcius, it will die if that temp is prolonged to much. Marijuana is not like a ever green. Its a soft leafed plant. Keep them warm as you can, and you will need more then 5 hours direct sunlight. 10 hours is the minimum of what they will need to grow a nice crop of bud.
also temps for optimal growing should be 75 degrees. Try to keep the roots esp warm. They do not take well to low temps.
Do you always answer your own questions.... YES.

Keep trolling.... the road is a dead end.

Let's be clear about your post above.... I said MJ needs at least 5 hours of direct sunlight to "GROW". That's a FACT. I ALSO said.... wait for it.... the MORE the BETTER.

Keep trolling....
Do you grow weed. You never answered that and no weed cannot FLOWER PROPERLY WITH FIVE HOURS. What facts are you spouting. Stop posing and giving wrong information. The more light the better your an idiot. lol its actually funny hearing how stupid you are. I just hate that your miss informing people.
Yes I do. there I answered it for you.

You must not know that many of the vets.... but I am well known and documented grower. I just don't run around spreading bud porn. I got over all that after a few months.... some never do...their choice.

Please show me an error in my info... go ahead. You are starting to look foolish now on multiple threads. I suggest you stop while you can. You are over matched...and I'm still just toying with you...politely. So far I have simply let you dig your own rep grave.

Please tell me where I was mistaken..... tell me.
lol you are a straight up lier. Stop the bullshit man. Does sht just spew out your mouth for your own joy. You do not grow. The guy who is on a forum for pot and lies about growing. Flowering in 5 hours of sunlight is a bullshit claim. Grow up son. Stop posing.
rep lol is that what you care about. This is a forum for information. Not bullshit claims and rep points.