Can I get a break on my electric bill for growing medical marijuana


Active Member
I live in Nor Cal and keep my growing to my limit. I run 4 1000's so my bill runs high. The electric company wants a deposit because of how high the bill is. They asked me if it was medical equiptment and I said yes. (Technically it is...) They are sending me a form to fill out to get a break on my bill due to medical reasons. All I need is a doctors signature, and my doctor is willing to sign it. Does this sound right...


Well-Known Member
off the subject but with 4 1000's how much does your bill run ya? i have 2 1000w. if you dont mind me asking how many plants you have to need 4 1000's.


Well-Known Member
damn man, with 2 of my 1000's my bills is half that, still expensive for me!! take a look at my journal i have pics of my set up too.. plus if the pg&e says they have a program idk i havent heard anything i'm gonna have to ask bout that. Cheers!


Well-Known Member
If you have the money you might what to look into solor, at $1200per month/ or is this per grow? It would be a good investment.
I would also check into the elec. info, soulds a little fishy. I have my card but only can have 12 at any one time. I don't know if your card is different.
Where's all the pics. I love to pics
GLG and keep us updated


Well-Known Member
yah i was think bout that earlier, thats just an invitation for dea to knock on his door and find out that he is growing X amount of plants!! what ya think?


Well-Known Member
I was thinking of using only one pannel, I don't know if the dea would put any real effert in tring to get a s.w and bust someone that had solo, where would be the probl cause. I have driven around and seen solor on other homes but never thought that they were growers. I do see your point and trying to advoid any unnecessary eyes.
Mabe you can build a platform on the ground and put one there.
I just know that $1200 a month/ is a lot of money plus how many eyes are looking at that enormous bill. With using that much energy someone is looking.


Well-Known Member
You should be able to get 500grams per square metre with a 600watt hps easily,this would reduce your usage by 1600watts:blsmoke:

fat sam

Well-Known Member
yeah try it, around here the cops respect the 215 laws, i just had the cops in my grow room 2 days ago, they left without touching a thing, ill bet im just south of you


Well-Known Member
fat sam why did they they show up, did they say?

AT 1200w my bill still better be less then 1/4 of yours lol..thats all I gotta say.


Well-Known Member
what u bitchin about u just said u get over a pound a light theirs ur money right their
Read more its medical man, if he gets caught selling, not just his card is revoked, he does time in the slammer.
The medical growers have more to risk.
Like their medicine


Well-Known Member
Wow how is your electric bill that high. What are your KWH. My Kwh are .12 cents. Here is a link to figure your kwh out. It should never be this high. Even if you ran 4000 watts in veg cycle for 24 hours your bill on my KWH would be $330.00. I could run 14000 kwh for 24 hours a day and hit 1200.00 a month. In order to pqy 1200 a month you need to pay 40 kwh. WOW thats insane.

dirt mahgirt

Active Member
i mean im all for medical marijuana but its obviously not personal use, who grows 4 pounds at once for personal use, all that bud would be powder befor u could smoke it all


Active Member
damn man, with 2 of my 1000's my bills is half that, still expensive for me!! take a look at my journal i have pics of my set up too.. plus if the pg&e says they have a program idk i havent heard anything i'm gonna have to ask bout that. Cheers!
LOL, no shit your bill is half, you have half as many lights!


Well-Known Member
PG&E has a program that will knock your bill in half. i don't think you can own the home though. you have to be a renter, or put the bill in someone else's name. it's a low income type deal. my buddy was at 1000 and it took him down to under 500. some form had to be filled out and that was it. i would look into it for sure.

PG&E has a "base rate". kinda an allowable amount of juice you can use per day during "peak hours". if you go over the allowed usage the rates double, then triple. you will have a bill that will have an amount billed at 100% billing rate, then 200, then 300 ........... the more you use the more it costs, basically.