Duh! To Mexico?Are you frigging nuts?That's right, I'm planning to bring my vaporizer with me in my luggage to Mexico, but of course, cleaning it. But if there are still micro-traces of cannabis that could alert a dog, could I get shit for that?
I have lived and worked in Mexico.Born and raised in El Paso, Texas. Why invite trouble? And it is NOT legal to carry any 5 grams of weed. The cops might - MIGHT - look the other way after you introduce them to Ben. I have advised everyone over the years - do not screw around in MX. First off you are guilty until proven innocent in MX. Period. Additionally there is no right to a speedy trial. There is no time limit for even arraignment to be formally charged.You can sit your ass in the pinche jusgado forever before they ever even decide whether to actually charge you or set a bond (and bond ain't happening for Americans on any charge)I spend the winter in Mexico, Marijuana is illegal and so are seeds, although carrying up to 5 grams of marijuana is not a crime, but maybe that's different in the airport, and we're talking about traces of marijuana. i.e., cleaning the vaporizer and removing every weed but what if the dogs catch a scent?
What can they tell me if there's no weed but just smell? How can they tell if micro-traces are weed, per se? Am I paranoid?
Buy on online and have it mailed to you!!!!!!! Clean with rubbing alcohol.Man, we're talking about an empty pen-vaporizer, no weed inside, if somebody ever ask I could just say it's an electronic cigarette which are legal, it's even legal to smoke non-weed in vaporizers at Mexican airports.
But just to make sure, how do you clean a pen-weed vaporizer? do you rub it with alcohol? the alcohol evaporates on its own and doesn't affect your weed next time you load it and use it?