Can I get some help?!?


New Member
After a few weeks should I start feeding from the begining of the schedule or from the third week?


Well-Known Member
First you have to tell us what your growing in. Ahh nevermind. I just answered this, hold on....


New Member
I'm using foxfarm nutes and it says not to mix together. My question is can I mix them in the same gallon of water or do I have to put each one in its own gallon and water the plant with a little of each when It calls for more than one type of nutes.

Final Phase

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't give any nutrients until week 3 or 4... Use half strength for the first 4 feedings... Full strengh in that soil if probably too much for a while.

MA MED Grower

Well-Known Member
I use fox farm and ocean forest soil. ^^ what final phase said. I just give plain ph balanced water for 3-5 weeks then go 1/2 for a few weeks then make a decision when to go full or not


New Member
I wouldn't give any nutrients until week 3 or 4... Use half strength for the first 4 feedings... Full strengh in that soil if probably too much for a while.
Can I mix more than one nute I am gallon of water when it asks for more than one for that feeding?

Final Phase

Well-Known Member
Heck yeah, For vegging I use - Foxfarm, Bat Guano, Ph down, and some Voodoo Juice together at different stages of vegging...

Goi easy on nutrients or you will burn the plants...


Well-Known Member
Be sure if your using tiger bloom for flower you stabilize the ph before watering it's really low