Can i glue pvc to these


Well-Known Member
I am converting over to top drip from ebb and flow....just wondering if I can glue threaded PVC into this to build my manifold off of.20200329_153329.jpg20200329_153326.jpg
Why would you want to glue it if it is threaded? To answer your question, though, I'm pretty sure those are plastic, and not PVC, so the "weld" from the PVC glue may not work. Those look a lot like the fittings I used to pipe through the bottom glass when I built my own reef tank.
I probably should've expanded on that a bit. When I used those in my tank, I just used threaded PVC adapters that screwed onto them, and then glued the PVC into the adapter.
That is a Thread X Thread bulkhead. They DO make ones you can glue pipe straight to, as well. But that has a Slip fitting. Whether it's Thread X Slip, Slip X Thread, or Slip X Slip. Yours just happens to be the exact one you can't glue to. But like I said, threaded adapter glued to your pipe will thread right in there.