Its really hard to guess weight
No one will be able to give you an exact answer i guess thats why were just guessing lol
Yes they look nice and fat but they will shrink up and lose somewhere between 1/4 to 1/2 of their weight after it dries
Just guessing maybe around 6 to 8 oz`s between both plants
More like 70-80%
"Bud Life moisture loss study, and a formula to determine weight lost in the drying process
Did you ever wonder how much weight is lost in drying buds? Here's a simple formula to determine your bud's weight loss. Take the weight at picking. 24 hours later weigh again. Take the new weight, subtract it from the old weight. Divide the lost weight by the picking weight, from yesterday. This will tell you the % of weight your bud lost in 24 hours from drying out the moisture. Repeat this every 24 hours. You can also use the sum total of weight lost (over the days) divided by the original weight for total weight lost.
For example:
11 grams total weight when the spongy bud is picked. Called, "picked weight."
24 hrs. later the total weight is 7 gr. Loss of 4 grams, or 4 divided by original 11 grams is a moisture loss of .36%, of the original Bud weight.
24 hrs. later, the total weight is 4 gr. for a loss of 3 more grams of moisture, or .42% of the 7 gr. Bud weight from yesterday.
24 hrs. later, the total weight is 3 grams, for a loss of 1 more gram, or .33%, loss.
The daily weight loss is: day 1: 4 grams, day 2: 3 grams, day 3: 1 gram.
The total moisture lost is: 8 grams
The 11 gram bud, now dried, weighs only 3 grams.
Divide this 8 grams lost, by the original 11 gram weight (8 divided by 11). This formula shows that the total moisture lost, is now .72%. Daily weight loss will vary with the density of the bud, and average room temperature of the drying spot. Here the drying temperature was 70 degrees. We know that spongy buds will lose about 70% of their picked weight.
Expert witnesses are paid thousands of dollars to testify in criminal court cases about this simple formula. Remember the cops busting growers will use the picked weight to get a longer sentence. This is wrong. You can only smoke it when it's dry. If you get busted growing, this formula may help you out. 1 pound wet will be more like 4-5 ounces dried. Also take out the weight of stalks & stems. Get the idea? This formula can also help you determine what weight your growing buds may produce when drie".