can i leave my pot outside

mauler 26

ok so i just put this seedling in a red pot and i was wondering if i could leave it outside until it got a bit bigger the current season is spring but can i or will their be a problem

Po boy

Well-Known Member
leave it outside in full sun if u can. outside full sun beats any indoor lighting system by far. GL

Lo Budget

Well-Known Member
Just be careful of full sun on seedlings, you'll fry them in a heartbeat. Introduce them to the sun gradually and you'll be good.

Po boy

Well-Known Member
Just be careful of full sun on seedlings, you'll fry them in a heartbeat. Introduce them to the sun gradually and you'll be good.
i let my seed germinate in full sun in fl. they just grow faster that way. farmers have been doing it that way forever. GL

Lo Budget

Well-Known Member
Good point. I have had damage moving seedlings from flouro to full sun so I harden them first now.