Can I let my plants die naturally?

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
First, I would like to say sorry to hear about your loss. On the other subject, if you're only gonna be gone 3 days or so I would agree with Pin (EDIT: actually with Diabolical I guess, the Avatar threw me off :bigjoint:) and just over water before you leave, if you'll be gone longer I would recommend chopping before you leave, I too wondered about what would happen if left buds to dry on a plant, and what happened wasn't pretty, I will post pictures tomorrow. It's... It's nothing you would want to smoke.


Well-Known Member
Cut all water leaves the week before you leave. 3 to 5 days of dark is great on weed at the end. Put into rinse. Then final rinse and turn off lights before you leave. Less water leaves mean it goes through water slower. The dark will make the buds tighter and higher in resin. 3 days is perfect for indica. 4 for sativa's. Then cut and dry when you get home.


Well-Known Member
I am very sorry to hear about your Dad.
Having also had to emergency leave Here is an option for you.

1 empty 2 lt pop bottle with lid.
something sharp.

Poke a hole in the top of the lid. Fill bottle with water. replace lid. Flip upside down and shove the bottle cap into the dirt.

I had 6 plants in 3 gallon pots. Left for 6 days. came back to happy plants.

Hot Diggity Sog

Well-Known Member
First, I would like to say sorry to hear about your loss. On the other subject, if you're only gonna be gone 3 days or so I would agree with Pin (EDIT: actually with Diabolical I guess, the Avatar threw me off :bigjoint:) and just over water before you leave, if you'll be gone longer I would recommend chopping before you leave, I too wondered about what would happen if left buds to dry on a plant, and what happened wasn't pretty, I will post pictures tomorrow. It's... It's nothing you would want to smoke.
Thanks! I'm glad someone has actually tried this...look forward to seeing what happened.