Can I make my own ph'd distilled water like this?

I have 2 air pumps. Both 35w.

Can I just fill a 5 gallon bucket up with tap water and put the pumps hose in the water?
Bubbling the water for a day or 2, will that distill it?



Active Member
I think its more what did YOU get the pumps for :p. To distill, you boil water (the heat is what is distilling). If you wana get rid of one of those pumps tho, I need one :D hah.

With soil pumps aren't needed.
I think its more what did YOU get the pumps for :p. To distill, you boil water (the heat is what is distilling). If you wana get rid of one of those pumps tho, I need one :D hah.

With soil pumps aren't needed.

Friend blessed me with these pumps for free as well as my hps. Decided to start my first grow in live soil because of the ease of feeding and not having to worry about ppm.
Theres no diy method to purifying water to the perfect ph?
Your telling me I have to buy all my water or boil it?
Theres a coral store close to me. Im going tomorrow to see if they sell large amounts of distilled. Hmm


Well-Known Member
Not sure why you need distilled water. The point of the pumps is to oxygenate the water, which the roots of your plants like, you don't need both those heavy duty pumps to aerate some water though. I'm sure bubbling the water helps the chlorine get out of it too, which is the main goal because chlorine is gonna wipe out vital bacteria in your soil.

Doing this (bubbling) to your tap water in conjunction with leaving it in an open container, like a 5 gallon bucket, will allow the chlorine to evaporate out of the water and make it safe to use on your plants. I think that's what your getting at at least. I'm not sure if the water will be ph balanced, soil rich in humus will buffer any ph imbalances though. Bubbling tap water in an open container for 24hrs is how you get the chlorine out of it and get it nice and aerated before you water or mix nutrients in it.

Pretty basic information, can be found just about everywhere with a little effort.

Additionally, to distill water, one doesn't simply "boil water". You actually need to boil water and collect it as it turns to steam.


It will not hurt to use tap water. You just need to be aware of the PPM of the water before you add your nutes. As far as the ph goes, get some PH up and PH down to get it where you want it.

BTW. Who said you didn't have to worry about PPM in soil?


Well-Known Member
Friend blessed me with these pumps for free as well as my hps. Decided to start my first grow in live soil because of the ease of feeding and not having to worry about ppm.
Theres no diy method to purifying water to the perfect ph?
Your telling me I have to buy all my water or boil it?
Theres a coral store close to me. Im going tomorrow to see if they sell large amounts of distilled. Hmm
I used to live in the desert and we had really hard water, full of minerals. If that's your problem you might have to find some alternative water source. Do you by chance know if your drinking water goes through a water softener before you drink it? Odds are in Florida the answer is no. Your tap water is just fine for your plants, if you're worried about it get a cheap ph test kit and see where your waters at, adjust accordingly. Use the bubbler method above on your tap water and it should be right as rain. Or if you wanna drop 2 bucks a gallon on distilled water, be my guest. Still not sure why you're so set on distilled.


Well-Known Member
It will not hurt to use tap water. You just need to be aware of the PPM of the water before you add your nutes. As far as the ph goes, get some PH up and PH down to get it where you want it.

BTW. Who said you didn't have to worry about PPM in soil?
that is if you don't have a stupid water softner. rain water is good thats what I'm using.

little butch

Active Member
I put a simple DIY filter on the bottom end of my dehumidifier to clean out what little crud there is and the result is always PH neutral @ 7.0.a bit of ph down and you are there.

ii dP ii

I used distilled water for a while and it gave me a Ca def. if you are using it you may want to add calmag or something to counteract that.

I went back to regular tap water and it seems to be helping.
Not sure why you need distilled water. The point of the pumps is to oxygenate the water, which the roots of your plants like, you don't need both those heavy duty pumps to aerate some water though. I'm sure bubbling the water helps the chlorine get out of it too, which is the main goal because chlorine is gonna wipe out vital bacteria in your soil.

Doing this (bubbling) to your tap water in conjunction with leaving it in an open container, like a 5 gallon bucket, will allow the chlorine to evaporate out of the water and make it safe to use on your plants. I think that's what your getting at at least. I'm not sure if the water will be ph balanced, soil rich in humus will buffer any ph imbalances though. Bubbling tap water in an open container for 24hrs is how you get the chlorine out of it and get it nice and aerated before you water or mix nutrients in it.

Additionally, to distill water, one doesn't simply "boil water". You actually need to boil water and collect it as it turns to steam.
Answered my question.
I should have said oxygenate. I was referring to distilled water as ph perfect water.
Thanks for the help.


Well-Known Member

I remembered a little trick someone told me about. Make some ice cubes from your tap water. If the ice is fairly clear...that means little dissolved solids. If it's super cloudy...then more Ca and minerals in the water.
Good luck,