Can i move my plants while in flower?

Just switch to 12/12 a few days ago and I usually take the plants out to water them. Also I spray them down every few days with skim milk cuz I'm having issues with PM. Is it bad to take my plants out to water when lights are on?
if the lights are on and your in a lighted area to water and spray i dont really see any problem with it, i could see a problem if they sleeping and you wake them up to water then back to sleep.


Active Member
Im pretty new at this but it seems like it would be ok on the 12 hours that the lights are on...though I wouldnt do it just after the lights come on and they wake up..I know I dont like to be shook and sprayed with milk first thing in the morning :)


New Member
uh yeah...stop spraying her with milk. If she is in flowering spraying the buds for PM is gonna wash right back into the pistils and compound the issues. Better to soak some paper towels and wipe the leaves. When she is finished you can bathe the PM off the buds in an H2O2 solution. Check this video from The Master...[video=youtube;S7jE7qzfgQs][/video]


New Member
oh and taking them out for watering during light cycle is not going to harm them unless you break a branch being careless, or worse yet drop one.


Well-Known Member
I am sure spidermites reside in my garage + I have the plants outside whenever sun is bright. I have learned to live with them, yes, if I do not tend to my plants for 2+ weeks, I may begin to see them on some areas of the plant. If I neem once-twice a month, I rarely see mites, if I do it is on a very small portion of a leaf or two. W/ it being cold lately I think the mites cannot thrive as usual, because I have not neemed in the past 40 days & I am still mite free.

Today I began brewing my 1st compost tea, & mixxed subcool supersoil (without azomite :[ ) So I will be testing how effective foliar feeding is against mites. If it works, than I will be even happier.


Well-Known Member
I am sure spidermites reside in my garage + I have the plants outside whenever sun is bright. I have learned to live with them, yes, if I do not tend to my plants for 2+ weeks, I may begin to see them on some areas of the plant. If I neem once-twice a month, I rarely see mites, if I do it is on a very small portion of a leaf or two. W/ it being cold lately I think the mites cannot thrive as usual, because I have not neemed in the past 40 days & I am still mite free.

Today I began brewing my 1st compost tea, & mixxed subcool supersoil (without azomite :[ ) So I will be testing how effective foliar feeding is against mites. If it works, than I will be even happier.

yeah iv noticed that too if your room is on the cooler side the mites are lazy laggy
Thanks guys. Good timing cuz i need to water a couple plants. Thats a kool video bkbbudz, its funny cuz i use H202 for my frags when algae grows on the plug they are on.
yeah its fine. dont take them in your garage or out side you will get spider mites if you dont allready have them
Why would there be spider mites in a garage? I haven't seen any on my plants and I hope there isn't any. Also I do have all of my plants on trays its just that I have them in smart pots and a couple in air pots and they are a bitch to water. Matter fact I think I fuck myself cuz my tent is way to full and that's the main reason i take them out of the tent to water them.